List of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Covid-19 variants

List of covid-19 variants | Data Source: WHO (Last updated: 2021-07-23)

All viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, change over time. Most changes have little to no impact on the virus' properties. However, some changes may affect the virus's properties, such as how easily it spreads, the associated disease severity, or the performance of vaccines, therapeutic medicines, diagnostic tools, or other public health and social measures.

WHO, in collaboration with partners, expert networks, national authorities, institutions and researchers have been monitoring and assessing the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 since January 2020. During late 2020, the emergence of variants that posed an increased risk to global public health prompted the characterisation of specific Variants of Interest (VOIs) and Variants of Concern (VOCs), in order to prioritise global monitoring and research, and ultimately to inform the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Currently designated Variants of Concern:

WHO label Pango lineages GISAID clade Next strain clade Additional amino acid changes monitored* Earliest documented samples Date of designation
Alpha B.1.1.7 GRY 20I (V1) +S:484K+S:452R United Kingdom, Sep-2020 18-Dec-2020
Beta B.1.351B.1.351.2B.1.351.3 GH/501Y.V2 20H (V2) +S:L18F South Africa, May-2020 18-Dec-2020
Gamma P.1P.1.1P.1.2 GR/501Y.V3 20J (V3) +S:681H Brazil, Nov-2020 11-Jan-2021
Delta B.1.617.2AY.1AY.2 AY.3 G/478K.V1 21A +S:417N India, Oct-2020 VOI: 4-Apr-2021
VOC: 11-May-2021

Currently designated Variants of Interest:

WHO label Pango lineages GISAID clade Next strain clade Earliest documented samples Date of designation
Eta B.1.525 G/484K.V3 21D Multiple countries, Dec-2020 17-Mar-2021
Iota B.1.526 GH/253G.V1 21F United States of America, Nov-2020 24-Mar-2021
Kappa B.1.617.1 G/452R.V3 21B India, Oct-2020 4-Apr-2021
Lambda C.37 GR/452Q.V1 21G Peru, Dec-2020 14-Jun-2021

Currently designated Alerts for Further Monitoring:

WHO label Pango lineages GISAID clade Next strain clade Earliest documented samples Date of designation
B.1.427B.1.429* GH/452R.V1 21C United States of America, Mar-2020 VOI: 5-Mar-2021
Alert: 6-Jul-2021
P.2* GR/484K.V2 20B/S.484K Brazil, Apr-2020 VOI: 17-Mar-2021
Alert: 6-Jul-2021
P.3* GR/1092K.V1 21E Philippines, Jan-2021 VOI: 24-Mar-2021
Alert: 6-Jul-2021
R.1R.2 GR - Multiple countries, Jan-2021 07-Apr-2021
B.1.466.2 GH - Indonesia, Nov-2020 28-Apr-2021
B.1.621 GH 21H Colombia, Jan-2021 26-May-2021
B.1.1.318 GR 20B Multiple countries, Jan-2021 02-Jun-2021
B.1.1.519 GR 20B Multiple countries, Nov-2020 02-Jun-2021
C.36.3C.36.3.1 GR 20D Multiple countries, Jan-2021 16-Jun-2021
B.1.214.2 G - Multiple countries, Nov-2020 30-Jun-2021
B.1.1.523 GR - Multiple countries, May-2020 14-July-2021
B.1.619 G - Multiple countries, May-2020 14-July-2021
B.1.620 G - Multiple countries, November 2020 14-July-2021