PCR tests near you for travel (fit to fly)

Private providers of coronavirus (COVID-19) testing

Lists of and information about private providers who have self-declared that they meet the government’s minimum standards for the type of commercial COVID-19 testing service they offer.

Important Note:
The government does not endorse, recommend or approve any private test provider. Individuals and employers should conduct their own research about available providers and the testing services they supply. Always check the official government website for updates.

Name of provider Region Email address Contact telephone
.000 Book A Travel Test Nationwide support@bookatraveltest.com 020 3811 8197
.001 Doctor UK Nationwide tests@doctor.uk 020 8087 2469
.007 Harley LinkNurse Clinic, LONDON Nationwide 10harley@linknurse.co.uk 0203 950 8134
.My Express Testing Nationwide enquiries@myexpresstesting.co.uk 0161 672 5190
-100 Covid Clear Nationwide help@100covidclear.co.uk 0330 133 3899
-Sterling Travel Testing- Nationwide bookings@sterlingtesting.co.uk 0333 33 55 373
@COVID19 Health Clinics Limited Nationwide info@covid19healthclinics.com 020 3811 8545
@Hale Clinic Harley Street Nationwide info@haleclinic.com 020 7631 0156
@HMI Harley Medic International Nationwide info@harleymedic.co.uk 0330 390 3666
@MK18 Private Medical Practice Nationwide admin@mk18medical.com 01280 460 118
247HomeTesting Nationwide info@247hometesting.com 020 3976 8353
Corona Test Centre Nationwide hello@coronatestcentre.com 020 3983 7869
QuickClinics Nationwide bookings@quickclinics.co.uk 020 8092 6507
0+G16 COVID Testing Nationwide info@coronatest.co.uk 020 3991 6494
000 Expert Medicals Nationwide covid@expert-medicals.co.uk 01274 905 667
00treated.com Nationwide customercare@treated.com 020 7043 0716
001 Covid Test Nationwide info@001covidtest.co.uk 0330 133 4285
1 Chelsea Bridge Clinic (by Aspen Medical) Nationwide corporatetesting@1chelseabridgeclinic.com 020 7622 2252 (Option 1)
1 Covclinics Nationwide info@cpvclinics.co.uk 0161 529 5488
1 Diagnostic ZEAB (ZEAB Therapeutic Ltd) Nationwide info@zeabtherapeutic.com 01304 799 755
1 Harley Street, Yourhealthfirst Clinic Nationwide info@yourhealthfirst.uk 020 7225 3582
1 Health Hub Ltd Nationwide testing@thehealthhub.com 01604 930 385
1 Rapid Clinics (t/a 1 Rapid Clinics) Nationwide info@rapidclinics.co.uk 020 3137 5047
1WestEnd Medical Practice Nationwide info@1westendmedicalpracticeuk.com 020 3137 5062
10 Harley LinkNurse Clinic London (t/a LinkNurse) Nationwide 10harley@linknurse.co.uk 020 3950 8134
118testing.com Nationwide contact@118testing.com 020 3642 2142
15 Minute Covid Test Nationwide info@15minutecovidtest.co.uk 020 3369 0075
107 Harley Street Nationwide covidtesting@107harleystreet.co.uk 020 7935 8627
121 Pure Testing Nationwide hello@puretesting.co.uk 01212 930 414
123Tests.co.uk Nationwide support@123tests.co.uk 020 3148 2505
1Affordabletest.com Nationwide travel@1affordabletest.com 020 3475 0940
1Corporate Covid Tests Nationwide info@corporatecovidtests.com 020 3773 2299
1st Class Testing Nationwide info@1stclasstesting.co.uk 020 3442 0280
29 Fleet Street Ltd (t/a Fleet Street Clinic) Nationwide testandrelease@fleetstreetclinic.com 020 8175 8891
3M CARE Ltd Nationwide - -
3SIX Health Limited Nationwide covid@3sixhealth.co.uk 029 2236 0184
4 Medical Testing Nationwide info@4medicaltesting.co.uk 0161 989 5333
101Testing Nationwide info@101testing.co.uk 020 3488 8434
A1 COVID TESTING Nationwide info@a1covidtesting.co.uk 0160 356 7257
A1 Global Testing Nationwide admin@a1globaltesting.com 020 7337 2427
A Hasu Diagnostics Nationwide enquiry@hasudiagnostics.com 0333 772 6254
Abbott Toxicology Ltd Nationwide toxeu.sales@abbott.com 01235 861 483
Abicare Health Solutions Ltd (t/a Abicare Health (Riva Health)) Nationwide admin@abicarehealth.co.uk 01615 182 999
Acacium Group Nationwide covidtesting@acaciumgroup.com 01275 547 256
AccendoLAB Limited (t/a 365testing) Nationwide info@accendolab.co.uk 01869 238 021
Acculabs Diagnostics Ltd Nationwide enquiries@acculabsdiagnostics.co.uk 01740 644 439
Ace Pharmacy Greater London acepharmacy@btconnect.com 020 8397 4564
Acethetix Ltd (t/a Testing services) Nationwide covid@testingservices@.online 020 7193 6318
Acorn Occupational Health Ltd Nationwide aburrows@acornoh.co.uk 01260 288 381
ADDA Montague UK (t/a The Montague Clinic) Nationwide info@montagueclinic.com 020 3637 7999
Aeromedical Consulting UK Nationwide covidtesting@aeromedicalconsulting.co.uk 0333 577 4944
Affinity Health Nationwide support@affinityhealth.uk 0147 335 1029
Agilis Health Ltd Nationwide help@agilishealth.co.uk 01592 269570
Alexandra Minter at Minter et Al Ltd Nationwide contact@minteretal.com 0333 242 3182
All Healthcare Nationwide info@allhealthcare.co.uk 0330 223 6783
AlphaBiolabs Nationwide covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
AlphaMedicol Ltd Nationwide info@alphamedicol.co.uk 0330 223 6808
Alpha Screening Limited Nationwide info@alphascreening.co.uk 0800 029 3291
Amazon UK Service Limited Nationwide - -
Ambulance and Medical Support Services UK (AMS Services) Nationwide ops@amsservices.co.uk 07767 215 186
AMC Health Care Ltd (t/a Covax Health) Nationwide info@covaxhealth.com 07766 148 195
AMSO Healthcare Limited (t/a Oak Tree Clinic) Nationwide admin@oaktree-clinic.com 07434 644 183
Ancora Healthcare Ltd Nationwide naz.zaman1@nhs.net 01724 877 100
Andersen Caledonia Ltd Nationwide covidqpcr@andersencaledonia.co.uk 01491 756 016
Andres Pharmacy Nationwide andresphar261@hotmail.com 020 8904 9059
Anglia DNA Services Nationwide virology@angliadna.co.uk 01603 367 010
Anglo Belgravia UK Ltd Nationwide covid@bg-london.com 07740 870 610
Apricity Fertility UK Limited (t/a Apricity t/a Altrui) Nationwide advisors@apricity.life 0115 824 3928
Ashfield Healthcare Ltd Nationwide solutions@ashfieldhealthcare.com 0870 850 1234
AssuredScreening.com Nationwide enquiries@assuredscreening.com 0800 135 7095
AstraZeneca UK Ltd Nationwide - -
Avante Health Ltd Nationwide support@avantehealth.co.uk 03330 069 610
BarlowCollins Ltd partnered with Meterbolic Nationwide admin@barlowcollins.co.uk 01329 44 85 22
Baseline Medicine Ltd Nationwide info@baselinemedicine.co.uk 07540 256 296
Beacon Secure (t/a Beacon Secure Technologies Limited) Nationwide enquiries@beaconsecure.co.uk 0800 0786 112
Better2Know Nationwide info@better2know.com 020 7099 0955
BHSF Occupational Health Limited Nationwide occupationalhealth@bhsf.co.uk 0333 344 3800
Binx Health Ltd Nationwide support@mybinxhealth.com 0800 840 7489
BioGrad Limited (t/a BioGrad Diagnostics) Nationwide clinical@biograd.co.uk 01514 829 695
Biotech Research Park (t/a OpenCell) Nationwide info@opencell.bio 07939 582 703
Biotherapy Services Ltd (t/a Rapid Covid Testing) Nationwide info@rapidcovidtesting.org.uk 020 7112 4964
Blindspot Global Ltd Nationwide covid19help@blindspotglobal.com 0333 242 0580
Bloomsbury Practice Nationwide info@bloomsburyhealthcentre.co.uk 020 7387 9777
Bluecrest Health Screening Ltd (t/a Bluecrest Wellness) Nationwide covidtest@bluecrestwellness.com 0808 168 9522
BMP Medical Ltd (t/a Akea Life/Salutaris People) Nationwide info@salutarispeople.com 0808 196 8368
Boots UK Limited Nationwide boots.customercare_team@boots.co.uk 0345 121 2837
Breathe Assured (t/a Breathe Assured) Nationwide customerServices@breatheassured.com 020 3677 0009
Brunswick Hygiene Ltd Nationwide info@brunswickhygiene.com 0800 689 1481
Bupa Occupational Health Ltd (t/a Bupa Occupational Health Ltd / Bupa Health Clinics) Nationwide mycovidtest@bupa.com 0161 4970 661
C19 Testing Nationwide support@c19testing.co.uk 020 3920 9012
Caliber Medical Services Ltd Nationwide martin@calibermedicalservices.co.uk 07842 451 207
Cambridge Clinical Laboratories Ltd Nationwide covid@camclinlabs.co.uk 01223 395 418
Campden BRI (Chipping Campden) Limited Nationwide support@campdenbri.co.uk 01386 842 000
Candarin Medical Ltd Nationwide info@candarinuk.com 020 3745 6010
Care+ Medicines Limited (t/a PCR certificates) Nationwide Support@pcrcertificates.co.uk 0782 373 6064
Carmenta Medical Nationwide carmenta.covid@gmail.com 0330 088 6020
Cavendish Health Diagnostic Services Ltd Nationwide diagnostics@cavendishhealth.co.uk 0333 577 1888
Cellmark Nationwide covidenquiries@cellmark.co.uk 0800 193 7999
CHB Medical Ltd Nationwide info@chbmedical.com 01242 698 371
Check My Body Health Ltd Nationwide test2release@checkmybodyhealth.com 01604 930 250
CHHP - Dr Jack Kreindler Consulting Ltd (t/a CHHP and Certific) Nationwide - -
Christchurch Clinics Nationwide gp@christchurchclinics.co.uk 01376 329 524
Ciconia Recovery London Nationwide info@ciconiarecovery.com 020 8204 6722
Cignpost Diagnostics Nationwide info@cignpostdiagnostics.com 0800 023 9323
Circular1 Health Ltd Nationwide customerservice@circular1.com 0800 799 9751
Citi Health LLP Nationwide contact@citihealth.co.uk 020 3633 6301
CityDoc Medical Limited Nationwide support@citydoc.org.uk 020 3794 6697
Clarity Healthcare Ltd Nationwide enq@clarityocchealth.co.uk 0161 443 0062
Clinica Medica Ltd Nationwide info@clinicamedica.co.uk 0141 356 6969
Clinic Mk Nationwide info@theclinicmk.co.uk 01908 309 290
Cloud Pharmacy Nationwide help@cloudpharmacy.co.uk 020 7157 9759
CloudRx Ltd Nationwide pharmacy@cloudrx.co.uk 0113 531 2942
Co-Chem Pharmacy Nationwide cochempharmacy.co.uk@gmail.com 0121 554 8125
Co-Health Ltd Nationwide covid@co-health.co.uk 020 7224 4980
Collingwood Health Nationwide pcr@collingwoodhealth.com 01753 781 600
Collinson / Oxsed Nationwide ttrconsumerhelp@collinsongroup.com 0144 444 2510
Concepto Clinic Nationwide support@conceptoclinic.co.uk 020 3371 8814
Confirm Testing Nationwide info@confirmtesting.com 020 3870 3623
Conon Bridge Pharmacy Ltd Nationwide - -
Coronafocus by Oncologica Uk Ltd (t/a Oncologica UK Ltd) Nationwide test@covidprotected.co.uk 0122 378 5327
Covance Laboratories Nationwide adam.green@covance.com 07884 655 695
CovGuard Nationwide info@covguard.com 020 4513 4000
Cov19 Care Nationwide info@cov19care.co.uk 0330 555 0005
Covid 19 Checking Nationwide info@covid19checking.co.uk 0330 133 1516
Covidfly Nationwide enquiries@covidfly.co.uk -
Covid Mobile Health Services (t/a Remote Trauma Ltd) Nationwide admin@cmhs-lab.com 020 8546 3230
Covid Test Centre Nationwide support@covidtestcentre.net 0122 460 8702
Covid Testing Laboratories Limited Nationwide orders@covidtestinglaboratories.com 0333 242 0889
Covid Testing Network Ltd Nationwide travel@covid19-testing.org 0333 090 7350
Covid Testing Solutions Limited Nationwide john@covidtestingsolutions.co.uk 0203 633 9674
COVIDO Nationwide sales@covido.co.uk 07852 921 483
Chronomics Nationwide covid-testing@chronomics.com 020 8146 0960
C Percy Ltd (t/a Hawkwell Pharmacy) Nationwide cpercy@aah-n3.co.uk 0170 220 3867
Cryo Elements Ltd (t/a Cryo Express) Nationwide info@cryoexpresshq.com 07718 115 022
CT24 Solutions Ltd Nationwide info@ct24.co.uk 020 4533 8934
DAM Health Ltd Nationwide enquiries@dam-health.com 0330 174 2200
Dante Labs Nationwide covid@dantelabs.com 07983 739 583
Datar Cancer Genetics UK Private Limited Nationwide info.dcguk@datarpgx.com 01483 685 420
Daya Pharmacy Nationwide dayapharm750@hotmail.com 020 8573 3084
Dears Pharmacy and Travel Clinic Nationwide info@dearspharmacy.co.uk 01383 723 571
Dependable Forces Ltd Nationwide info@dependable-forces.com 020 3744 5858
DGC Health Nationwide admin@dgchealth.com 07990 466 916
Diagnostics for the Real World (Europe) Limited Nationwide covidtesting@drw-ltd.com 01223 785 348
DNA Workplace Limited Nationwide sales@dnaworkplace.com 020 3943 8371
DNA Nudge Nationwide customerservices@dnanudge.com 020 8103 9271
Doctor Driver Assessment Ltd Nationwide info@doctordriverassessment.com 0800 001 6784
Dr Nazar Qureshi Nationwide qureshi_nazar @yahoo.co.uk 07836 680 723
Dr Skin Ltd (t/a Private GP Surgery and Dr Skin Clinics) Nationwide info@privategpsurgery.co.uk 01216 380 444
Duality Health Ltd (t/a Duality Health, Newry) Nationwide mail@dualityhealth.co.uk 02830 833 666
Easy Testing Ltd Nationwide easytestingltd@gmail.com 07519 426 288
EM Analytical Ltd Nationwide covid@emanalytical.co.uk 01625 813 576
EM Analytical Ltd t/a Test2Go Nationwide info@test2go.co.uk 01625 813 588
Embankment Place Primary Healthcare Limited Nationwide epphtesting@pwc.com 020 3929 7009
Epistem Limited Nationwide covid19@epistem.co.uk 01615 412 301
Eurofins Biomnis UK Ltd Nationwide covid19administration@eurofins.co.uk 01925 248 802
Eurofins County Pathology Limited Nationwide covid19administration@eurofins.co.uk 01925 248 802
Eurofins Forensic Services Nationwide covid19administration@eurofins.co.uk 01925 248 802
Escripts Marketing Limited (t/a Pharmadoctor) Nationwide covidtests@pharmadoctor.co.uk 020 3176 0022
Event Medic Services Ltd Sussex Nationwide mike@eventmedicservices.co.uk 07990 757 526
Everything Genetic Ltd Nationwide covidtestbookings@everythinggeneticltd.co.uk 01270 623 179
Everwell Chinese Medical Centre Ltd Nationwide info@everwell.co.uk 020 7434 1697
Excalibur Diagnostics Limited Nationwide enquires@excaliburhealth.co.uk 020 3002 4824
Expert TMS Limited Nationwide covidtesting@experttms.co.uk 01925 691 542
Express Medicals Limited Nationwide customersupport@expressmedicals.co.uk 020 7500 6900 option 1
ExpressTest powered by Cignpost Diagnostic Nationwide expresstest@cignpostdiagnostics.com 0800 023 9323
F.G Saunders Pharmacy Nationwide customerservices@fgsaunderspharmacy.co.uk 01753 863 775
Fakir Chemist Nationwide info@fakirchemist.co.uk 01214 492 719
Farsight Health Limited Nationwide ross@farsight-ventures.co.uk 07976 277 555
Feature Medical Limited Nationwide clientcare@featuremedical.co.uk 03301 333 564
Fit2Fly24/7 Ltd Nationwide customerservices@fit2fly247.co.uk 03301 333 856
Fit2Fly Test Ltd Nationwide hello@fit2flytest.com 0162 581 3572
FitnessGenes Ltd Nationwide support@fitnessgenes.com 0186 925 5770
Flysurance Ltd Nationwide info@flysurance.co.uk 0333 090 3165
Fountain Diagnostic Limited (t/a LivingCare) Nationwide covidswabbing@livingcare.co.uk 0113 539 4689
Fusion Occupational Health Ltd Nationwide enquires@fusionoh.com 0333 241 3082
Fusion Pharmacy Nationwide info@fusion-pharmacy.co.uk 0116 367 7280
Fusion Radiology Ltd Nationwide info@fusion-radiology.com 01582 249 216
Future Health Technologies Limited Nationwide info@fhbb.com 01159 677 707
Futurechart Limited (t/a Ringwood Pharmacy) Nationwide pharmacy70.cpct@nhs.net 024 7661 8643
Fit to Fly UK Nationwide customercare@fittoflyuk.com 01708 981 993
GCJH Ltd. (t/a GCJH Medical Services) Nationwide medical@gcjh.co.uk -
Global Health Medical Services Nationwide info@ghms.org.uk 020 7244 8885
Global Health Medical Services t/a Kensington Cosmetic Clinic Nationwide info@ghms.org.uk 020 7244 8885
Golders Green Pharmacy Ltd (T/A Leyton Pharmacy) Nationwide info@leytonpharmacy.com 020 8556 4292
GPDQ (t/a GPDQ Limited) Nationwide support@gpdq.co.uk 020 3805 1781
Halo Nationwide shop@haloverify.com 0330 390 4586
Hampton Knight Nationwide covidtesting@hamptonknight.co.uk 01827 338 700
Hampton Pharmacy Nationwide info@hamptonpharmacy.co.uk 01733 248 371
Harley Street Dr Nationwide concierge@harleystreetdr.com 020 3633 5765
Harper Medical Ltd Nationwide covid@iofpm.com 020 3150 3044
Blue Horizon Medicals (t/a Harley Street Health Checks UK Ltd) Nationwide covid@bluehorizonbloodtests.co.uk 0800 999 1110
Health Management Limited Nationwide info@healthmanLtdcom 01273 818 000
HealthClic Limited (t/a HealthClic) Nationwide covid@healthclic.co.uk 020 3370 4034
Healthium Clinics Ltd (t/a Healthium Clinics) Nationwide qpcr@healthiumclinics.com 01491 756 025
Healthyaa Ltd Nationwide info@healthyaa.co.uk 0116 467 0722
Home Health Service Ltd Nationwide info@homehealthservice.co.uk 07956 925 272
House of Mistry Pharmacy Nationwide rajesh@mistry.co.uk 020 7794 0848
Human Health by the Clinic Nationwide info@drmhumanhealth.co.uk 020 8054 9191
Humankind Ventures Ltd (t/a Forth) Nationwide help@forthsupport.co.uk 01291 635 523
iHomeCare Nationwide info@ihomecare.co 020 3719 9784
Infinite Software Limited / Synoptic Nationwide covidtesting@synoptic.software 020 3858 7422
Ingleton Pharmacy Nationwide ingleton.pharmacy@nhs.net 01524 241 154
Innovative Testing Solutions Limited (t/a ITS Test Kits Ltd) Nationwide info@itstestkits.com 01782 358 058
International SOS (Medical Services) UK Ltd Nationwide UKHealthInfo@internationalsos.com 0122 466 9000
Ipcrtest Nationwide info@ipcrtest.com 020 7993 5998
IQ Doctor Nationwide info@iqdoctor.co.uk 01217 534 928
IVBoost UK Nationwide info@ivboost.uk 020 3095 0002
IVF Matters Nationwide support@ivfmatters.co.uk 0333 939 9951
J.J.A.C.E Ltd (t/a Medchecks) Nationwide john@jjace.co.uk 07791 142 675
Jenhams Clinic Ltd Nationwide info@jenhamsclinic.co.uk 01306 884 444
K2 Associates UK Ltd Nationwide ekooiker@k2a.uk.com 01189 540 047
Kays Medical Limited Nationwide sales@kaysmedical.com 0843 504 8147
Katalyst Laboratories Greater London testing@wearekatalyst.com 0207 880 1803
KYL Healthcare Services Limited (t/a The Honeybee Private Nurse Clinic) Nationwide info@kylhealthcareservices.com 0750 077 1425
LabMedExpert Limited (LabMedExpert Diagnostic Limited) Nationwide diagnostics@labmedexpert.co.uk 01902 287 065
Latus Health Nationwide admin@latushealth.co.uk 0844 351 0378
Lalys Pharmacy Nationwide guildhall@lalyspharmacy.co.uk 023 9229 7293
LCIAD Ltd Nationwide info@lciad.co.uk 020 7323 3041
Lemon Cherry Limited Nationwide info@lemoncherry.co.uk 01964 503 773
Lifecrest Ltd (t/a Lifecrest Medical Laboratory) Nationwide admin@lifecrest.co.uk 0160 392 8868
LinkNurse London Clinic Nationwide support@linknurse.co.uk 020 3950 8134
Live Covid Testing Nationwide info@livecovidtesting.co.uk 07874 074 688
Lloyds Pharmacy Nationwide customer-services@lloydspharmacy.co.uk 0345 600 3565
London City Healthcare Nationwide support@londoncityhealthcare.com 020 7236 3334
London Corona Test Centre Nationwide tests@londoncoronatestcentre.com 01895 671 717
London Elite Health Nationwide info@londonelitehealth.com 020 7486 0701
London Medical Laboratory / Private Coronavirus Tests Nationwide info@londonmedicallaboratory.co.uk 020 7183 3718
London Nutrition Doctor Ltd Nationwide pa@londonnutritiondoctor.com 07533 660 637
Make Me Feel Ltd (t/a The French Pharmacy / Make Me Feel) Nationwide info@makemefeel.co.uk 020 8675 1207
Managed Self Ltd (t/a Klarity) Nationwide hello@getklarity.shop 020 3239 9818
Mare St Clinic Nationwide info@marestclinic.co.uk 020 3488 7351
Masta Ltd Nationwide enquiries@masta.org 0330 100 4200
Matrix Diagnostics Limited Nationwide info@matrixdiagnostics.co.uk 01992 762 678
Mayfair Healthcare Ltd (t/a Life Pharmacy) Nationwide oxst@lpharmacy.co.uk 020 7491 8444
Mayfield Clinic Nationwide info@mayfieldclinic.co.uk 01865 423 425
MCL Medics Nationwide bookings@mcl-medics.com 01224 938 083
MDX Healthcare Ltd (t/a Medix) Nationwide covid@mdxhealthcare.com 01438 940 654
MedExpress Nationwide help@medexpress.co.uk 020 8123 0508
Medic Testing Nationwide info@medictesting.com 020 3936 4356
Medical Covid Test Nationwide support@medicalcovidtest.com 0161 527 7960
Medical, Health and Education Ltd Nationwide info@mhe.ltd 01283 375 093
Medical Logistics / Samedaycoronavirustests.com Nationwide info@samedaycoronavirustests.com 07843 988 660
Medichecks.com Ltd Nationwide help@medichecks.com 0345 060 0600
Medicines Online Ltd Nationwide cs@medicinesonline.org.uk 020 3637 0384
Medicspot Nationwide tests@medicspot.co.uk 020 3637 8398
MEDii Health Nationwide info@mediihealth.com 0333 577 3800
Mediscan Diagnostic Services Ltd Nationwide lab@mediscanservices.co.uk 01618 201 123
Mediskills Training Ltd Nationwide covid@mediskills-uk.com 01613 685 508
MediSync Test Nationwide salivatesting@medisynctest.com 020 3137 1225
Medplus Clinic Ltd (t/a Medplus Test) Nationwide mgt@medplustest.uk 0113 219 3388
Mediright Ltd Nationwide enquiries@mediright.co.uk 01909 81 31 31
Melio Health UK Ltd Nationwide customer_support@meliohealth.com 03337 729 172
MHF Medical Concierge Nationwide info@mhfcovidtesting.co.uk 020 7060 1136
Micropathology Ltd Nationwide info@micropathology.com 02476 323 222
Midland Covid Testing Nationwide info@midlandcovidtesting.co.uk 0333 366 0837
Minton Treharne and Davies Laboratories Ltd [MTD] (t/a Minton Treharne and Davies Ltd) Nationwide c19support@minton.group 02920 540 000
Mobihealth International Ltd (t/a Mobihealth International) Nationwide covid19@mobihealthinternational.com 03332 246 080
Moivemedico Nationwide action@moviemedico.co.uk 029 2264 5077
Moore MedTech Limited Nationwide info@mooremedtech.co.uk 0113 543 1450
Motorsport Safety Solutions Ltd (t/a MSS Safety) Nationwide kelly@stuntsafety.tv 020 7411 9750
MSI Clinics Limited Nationwide info@msiclinics.com 020 4522 9103
Mukesh M Patel t/a Amin Pharmacy Nationwide aminpharmacy@outlook.com 020 8570 9144
Murakami Services Ltd (t/a Murakami Medical Centre) Nationwide info@murakamimedicalcentre.co.uk 020 8961 1117
My Local Travel Clinic Nationwide info@mylocaltravelclinic.co.uk 0121 314 5022
MyHealthcare Clinic Nationwide info@myhealthcareclinic.com 020 7099 5555
MyHealthcare Clinic (t/a My Home Test) Nationwide info@myhometest.co.uk 020 3868 5797
My HealthChecked Nationwide care@myhealthchecked.com 029 2035 1454
My Healthy U LLP Nationwide info@myhealthyu.co.uk 020 79711380
Nationwide Health Direct Ltd (t/a Mail My Meds) Nationwide info@Medicspot.co.uk. 0203 637 8398
Nationwide Health Direct Ltd (t/a PCR Test Newcastle) Nationwide info@mailmymeds.co.uk 0191 816 1310
Nationwide Pathology Limited Nationwide covid@nationwidepathology.co.uk 01858 571 322
NI Testing Nationwide support@nitesting.com 028 3044 8111
Night Dental Ltd (t/a @Corona Tests) Nationwide info@coronatests.com 0121 820 5555
Nine Elms Clinic Nationwide info@nineelmsclinic.com 020 7564 0050
Nivha Laboratory Services Ltd Nationwide covid19@nivha.net 0330 223 6419
NL Clinic Nationwide info@nlclinic.co.uk 020 8882 0957
Nomad Travel (t/a TMB Trading Ltd) Nationwide orders@nomadtravel.co.uk 0134 155 5061
Nonacus Limited Nationwide covid-enquiries@nonacus.com 0121 630 2114
North West Aeromedical Ltd Nationwide covid_test@nwam.co.uk 01244 820 030
Northend Clinic Nationwide enquiries@northendclinic.co.uk 01517 283 155
Nuffield Health Nationwide operations@nuffieldhealth.com 0300 123 6200
NX Healthcare Nationwide cservices@nxhealthcare.co.uk 020 8168 7100
Oberoi Consulting Nationwide testing@oberoi-consulting.com 01332 546 867
Occupational Health Assessment Ltd Nationwide support@ohassessment.com 020 3239 8229
Occupational Health Partnership Ltd Nationwide info@ohpltd.co.uk 028 9033 3762
Occupational Health Prime (OH Prime) Nationwide covidtesting@ohprime.co.uk 01908 915 899
Olive Health and Travel Clinic (t/a Olive Health & Travel Ltd) Nationwide contact@olivehealthandtravel.co.uk 020 8550 2276
On Set Solutions | Covid Screening for Film and Television (t/a On Set Solutions Ltd) Nationwide info@onsetsolutions.co.uk 07970 849 906
One Scientific Ltd Nationwide covid@onescientific.co.uk -
Optimized Body and Mind Nationwide info@optimizedbodyandmind.co.uk 0333 012 4214
Optipharm Pharmacy Nationwide covid@optipharm.co.uk 020 8908 1960
OscarTech UK Ltd Nationwide testing@oscartech-uk.com 020 3633 8413
Outcome Diagnostics Limited Nationwide covid@medicspot.co.uk 020 3637 8398
Oxford Road Clinics Ltd / Reading Fit to Fly Nationwide customerservice@readingfittofly.co.uk 020 3875 5160
PAJS Services Ltd Nationwide info@pajsservices.com 01698 573 510
Pak Pharmacy Nationwide pakpharmacy@hotmail.com 0121 327 2733
Pall Mall Medical Nationwide admin@pallmallmedical.co.uk 03300 584 455
Panacea Health Consultants Nationwide info@panaceahealthconsultants.com 020 3488 7763
PCR Certificates Nationwide support@pcrcertificates.co.uk 07823 736 064
PCR Labs Nationwide info@pcrlabs.co.uk 020 3105 0545
Pennfields Pharmacy (Wolverhampton) Nationwide info@pennfieldspharmacy.co.uk 01902 341 300
PeploBio Ltd Nationwide info@peplobio.co.uk 01483 685 190
PharmacyRepublic Ltd (t/a Pharmacy Republic Hampstead) Nationwide pharmacyrepublic1@hotmail.com 020 7485 2240
PharmacyRepublic Ltd (t/a Pharmacy Republic Newham) Nationwide pharmacyrepublic2@hotmail.co.uk 020 8548 0221
PharmacyRepublic Ltd (t/a Pharmacy Republic) Nationwide pharmacyrepublic@hotmail.com 024 7637 1119
Pharmesthetics Ltd (t/a http://www.samedayclinic.co.uk) Nationwide info@pharmesthetics.com 020 8050 4353
Phyto Klinikum Ltd Nationwide info@skinandnutritionclinic.com 020 7043 6666
Pixie and Sera (Dr Bernadette McKenna and Dr Sera Shoukru) Nationwide office@pixieandsera.com 020 7616 7773
Polaris Medical Service Limited Nationwide covid19@pmgoc.com 01923 545 815
Premier Clinic Ltd Nationwide info@premier-clinic.co.uk 01254 677 341
Prenetics Nationwide care@projectscreen.co.uk -
Privapath Diagnostics Limited Nationwide reporting@letsgetchecked.com 020 3936 4095
Private GP Care Nationwide info@privategpcare.co.uk 01213 400 181
Private Harley Street Clinic Nationwide info@privateharleystreetclinic.com 020 3916 5990
Project Olive Linfield Limited Nationwide nicola@projectolive.org 0896 753 5361
Protein Technologies Limited (t/a RapidityDX) Nationwide covidtesting@protein-technologies.com 0161 226 2366
Proviris Solutions Nationwide support@provirissolutions.com 0203 773 8641
PureFlo Health Ltd Nationwide contact@pureflohealth.co.uk 020 3475 3426
Quinton and Associates Nationwide mike@quintonandassociates.co.uk 07711 406 237
Qured Nationwide support@qured.com 020 3966 6924
R&A Ltd Nationwide practice@rozinaali.com 020 7000 3140
Racoo Screening Ltd Nationwide covidsouthwest@racoo.co.uk 01793 677 480
Rainbow Diagnostics Ltd (t/a Rainbow Labs) Nationwide hello@rainbowlabs.co.uk 07442 795 363
RAMSS Ltd (t/a Bucks Event Medics) Nationwide office@ramss.co.uk 0345 200 2551
Randox Health London Ltd Nationwide covidcustomersupport@randox.com 0800 254 5201
Randox Laboratories Nationwide covidcustomersupport@randox.com 028 9445 1021
Rapid Health Test Nationwide contact@rapidhealthtest.com 01872 229 740
Ravi Gowda Limited (t/a Travel Klinix) Nationwide info@travelklinix.com 024 7601 6519
RB Health and Safety Solutions Ltd Nationwide admin@rbhealthandsafety.co.uk 0845 257 1489
Recova-19 Nationwide testing@recova-19.com 020 3002 6070
Recovery4life (RTTS Holdings Ltd) (t/a Teesside Covid Testing and North East Covid Testing) Nationwide testing@recovery4life.co.uk 03333 445 790
Red 1 Response Nationwide Hello@red1response.com 0330 229 0112
Regenerative Clinic Ltd (t/a The Regenerative Lab) Nationwide diagnostics@theregenerativeclinic.co.uk 020 3637 5566
Remote Medical International UK Nationwide uktesting@remotemedical.com 020 3141 2199
Research Consultancy and Health Ltd Nationwide covid19test@rcandh.com 07904 697 060
Rightangled Nationwide info@rightangled.co 020 3950 3394
RJRchem Ltd (t/a New Street Pharmacy) Nationwide Info@thetravelvaccineroom.co.uk 0121 556 4935
ROC Private Clinic Ltd Nationwide covid19@rochealthservices.com 020 3794 6929
RPS Occupational Health Ltd Nationwide ukohcovidtesing@rpsgroup.com 01623 663 372
Ryminster Healthcare Limited (t/a Summerfield Healthcare) Nationwide enquiries@summerfieldhealthcare.co.uk 0333 9000 010
Sapience Healthcare Limited Nationwide info@sapiencehealthcare.com 020 3665 5826
Scotnursing & Medical Services (SNMS) Nationwide info@scotnursing.com 0141 255 1222
Screen 4 Nationwide covid19@screen4.org 01226 730 052
Secret Compass Ltd (t/a Secret Compass COVID-19 Testing Laboratory) Nationwide info@secretcompass.com 020 7096 8428
Sirkka Networks Limited Nationwide care@sirkkaLtdcom 03300 881 263
Site LT Nationwide lynne.donaldson@sitelt.co.uk 07398 230 712
SKC Occupational Health Consultancy Ltd (Oxfordshire) Nationwide su@skcoccupationalhealth.org 01235 606 080
Sloane Street Surgery, Sloane Street Testing Nationwide testingcentre@sloanestreetsurgery.co.uk 020 3879 0019
Source BioScience UK Limited (t/a Source BioScience) Nationwide covid@sourcebioscience.com 0115 973 9012
Spark Medical Limited Nationwide covid.poct@sparkmedical.co.uk 0151 808 0770
Superdrug Online Doctor Nationwide doctors@superdrug.com 020 3808 0064
Synlab Nationwide testtorelease@synlab.co.uk 0333 014 3760
TAC Healthcare Group Ltd Nationwide c19@tachealthcare.com 0333 0143 488
TAC Healthcare Ltd Nationwide covid@tachealthcare.com 01224 004 090
TestToRelease.Me Nationwide please@testtorelease.me 0754 040 8830
Test To You Nationwide customercare@testtoyou.co.uk 0330 133 3539
TestWithUs Ltd Nationwide hello@testwithus.co.uk 0330 390 3390
Testing For All Nationwide hello@testingforall.org 020 3301 1100
The App Company Ltd (t/a Now Test) Nationwide info.form@nowtest.com 020 3488 7870
The Guildhall Practice Ltd Nationwide admin@theguildhallpractice.co.uk 0121 441 2626
The Harley Street Hospital Ltd Nationwide enquiries@theharleystreethospital.co.uk 020 3973 8800
The Independent General Practice Nationwide enquiries@theigp.co.uk 03456 252 252
The Industrial Diagnostics Company Ltd Nationwide info@industrial-diagnostics.com 01530 239 180
The New Foscote Hospital Limited Nationwide covidtesting@foscote.hospital 01295 252 281
The Northwood Clinic (t/a Northwood Healthcare Ltd) Nationwide info@thenorthwoodclinic.uk 03334 448 440
The Online Clinic Nationwide customerservice@theonlineclinic.co.uk 020 7127 9200
The Oval GP Surgery Ltd (t/a Oval Medical Centre) Nationwide info@ovalmedicalcentre.co.uk 020 7582 6000
The Private GP Group Nationwide reception@theprivategpgroup.co.uk 020 8336 6550
The Scientists Laboratory Ltd Nationwide info@thescientistslab.com -
The Sheffield Clinic Ltd Nationwide info@thesheffieldclinic.co.uk 0845 508 1448
The Wright Practice Nationwide doctor@thewrightpractice.com 020 7139 1833
This Is My : Limited (t/a this is my : healthcare) Nationwide info@thisismy.co.uk 0113 262 1675
Thursfield and Co Ltd (t/a Thursfields Pharmacy) Nationwide mail@mythursfieldspharmacy.uk 0153 648 4805
Top Health Clinic Nationwide covid@tophealthclinic.co.uk 020 8123 4510
Touchwood Pharmacy Nationwide headoffice@touchwoodpharmacy.com 0844 561 7967
TP Healthcare Services Limited Nationwide enquiries@tphealthcareservices.com 020 4542 4558
Travel 19 Nationwide hello@travel19.co.uk 0330 175 2530
Treated.com Nationwide customercare@treated.com 020 7043 0716
TSC Medical UK Nationwide tscmedicalnigeria@gmail.com 07812 039 878
Tuli Health Nationwide info@tuli.health 020 8067 6074
UK Event Medics Ltd (t/a UK Event Medics Ltd - TV & Film Production Medics) Nationwide info@ukeventmedics.net 01270 895 177
UK PCR Ltd (t/a Local PCR) Nationwide info@localpcr.com 0121 827 2723
Unilabs Ltd Nationwide ukcovid@unilabs.com 020 7299 4492
V-Health Passport Ltd, V-Passport App Nationwide admin@v-healthpassport.co.uk 0800 048 7473
Vala Health (t/a iPrimary Care Limited) Nationwide testing@valahealth.com 0333 050 5047
Vanite Clinic Nationwide info@vaniteclinic.com 01216 870 025
Vishal Kapil Ltd Nationwide vishalkapilLtd@gmail.com 07859 937 003
ViTOX Limited (t/a ViTOX) Nationwide info@vitox.co.uk 020 7268 4915
VisitHealth Nationwide enquiries@visithealth.co.uk 020 3795 5811
Vitacheck Health Limited (t/a certyfly.com) Nationwide hello@certyfly.com 0199 250 0651
VIVO Clinic Manchester Limited (t/a VIVO) Nationwide pcrtest@vivoteam.co.uk 0333 305 8486
Watchword Limited t/a Watchword Security Nationwide info@watchwordsecurity.co.uk 0800 772 0117
Webmed Pharmacy Ltd Nationwide team@webmedpharmacy.co.uk 01614 911 899
Well Pharmacy Nationwide hello@well.co.uk 01782 597 313
Weston Road Pharmacy (Stafford) Nationwide info@westonroadpharmacy.co.uk 01785 248 888
Wimpole Aesthetics Nationwide info@wimpoleaesthetics.co.uk 020 7224 2247
Wimpole Medical Ltd (t/a 293 Upper Street) Nationwide info@wimpolemed.com 020 3095 3000
Woodsetton Pharmacy Nationwide woodsettonpharmacy1@gmail.com 0190 288 7501
World Extreme Medicine Nationwide nikki.mcleary@extreme-medicine.com 01297 300 503
Wren Healthcare Nationwide info@wrenhealthcare.co.uk 020 3974 6950
XF Medical Ltd Nationwide info@xfmedical.co.uk -
Your Excellent Health Service & COVID-19 Check Nationwide nick@yourexcellenthealth.co.uk 020 7580 5467
Your Doctor Film and Media Nationwide info@yourdoctorfm.com 0330 088 2163
YourGP (t/a YourGP Group Limited) Nationwide reception@your.gp 0131 225 5656
YourHealthFirstClinic (t/a 1-7 Harley Street, London) Nationwide info@yourhealthfirst.uk 020 7225 3582
YPCHealth Yorkshire and the Humber info@ypchealth.co.uk 0113 531 4947
ZAVA Nationwide covidtraveltesting@zavamed.com 020 3588 0292
ZoomDoc Nationwide info@zoomdoc.com 020 7993 2292
20/30 Labs East Midlands covid19@2030lab.com 01604 660811
ABEL Occupational Health Resolutions East Midlands admin@abelohr.co.uk 0161 711 0574
Aesthetika Clinic East Midlands info@aesthetika.co.uk 01909 563 000
AF Aesthetics (t/a Enoura Medical) East Midlands info@covidtesthub.co.uk 020 7602 6745
AlphaBiolabs East Midlands covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
Ask Chemist East Midlands enquiries@askchemist.co.uk 01205 352 778
Clinicare UK East Midlands info@clinicare-uk.com -
Collinson / Oxsed East Midlands ttrconsumerhelp@collinsongroup.com 01444 44 25 10
Consult Healthcare Ltd East Midlands adminteam@consult-hc.co.uk 01157 270 025
East Midlands Laser And Cosmetic Clinic Ltd - Mansfield Travel Clinic East Midlands eastmidlandslaser@btconnect.com 01623 653 493
Goldpot Ltd (t/a Astill Lodge Pharmacy) East Midlands astillpharmacy@gmail.com 01162 32 32 42
Laser and Light Ltd East Midlands info@thelaserandlightclinic.co.uk 01509 266 882
ME360 Healthcare Limited (t/a ME360 Testing Services) East Midlands me360testingservice@gmail.com 07983 44 37 37
Midland Health East Midlands hello@midlandhealth.co.uk 03337 721 999
Parkside Medical Centre East Midlands leccg.parkside@nhs.net 01205 365 881
PCT Healthcare (t/a Peak Pharmacy, Manor Pharmacy, Cox-Robinson Pharmacy) East Midlands pharmacy.online@pcthealthcare.com 01159 512092
Physiofunction East Midlands testing@physiofunction.co.uk 01327 842 321
Ravi Gowda Limited (t/a Travel Klinix) East Midlands info@travelklinix.com 024 7601 6519
Shri Ayodhya Medical Services Ltd (t/a Pulmonics) East Midlands nrbandla@gmail.com 07709 638 433
SSYNS Limited (t/a Just Health) East Midlands info@justhealth.co.uk 01282 936 900
Team Medic (London) Limited East Midlands info@team-medic.com 01483 740 237
The Melton Clinic East Midlands info@themeltonclinic.co.uk 01664 650 550
The Dr Jenni Clinic East Midlands support@drjenni.co.uk 01604 266 990
The Guildhall Practice Ltd East Midlands admin@theguildhallpractice.co.uk 01214 412626
The Health Suite Ltd East Midlands info@thehealthsuite.co.uk 01162 410 010
The Oakley Partnership East Midlands admin@topmedicalpractice.co.uk 01213 088 876
The Travel Health Clinic East Midlands cv19clinic@gmail.com 07851 848 773
Washington House Occupational East Midlands - -
Yakub Chemist Ltd East Midlands info@yakubchemist.co.uk 01162 512 959
ZS Pharma Limited (t/a Fusion Pharmacy) East Midlands info@fusion-pharmacy.co.uk 01163 677 280
12-14 Pharmacy Ltd East of England 1214pharmacyLtd@gmail.com 07724 573 336
Abicare Health Solutions Ltd (t/a Abicare Health (Riva Health)) East of England admin@abicarehealth.co.uk 01615 182 999
Ali Chem LTD (t/as Thomas Walker Pharmacy) East of England info@thomaswalkerpharmacy.co.uk 0173 331 3130
AlphaBiolabs East of England covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
Avicenna Health East of England covid@avicenna-health.com 020 8712 5565
Bansals Pharmacy East of England pharmacy.bansal@nhs.net 01702 587 500
Best Health Clinics East of England info@bhclinics.com 01708 477 577
Broadgate General Practice Ltd East of England doctor@broadgategp.co.uk 020 7638 4330
Cambridge Private Doctors East of England enquiries@cambridgeprivatedoctors.co.uk 01223 967 995
Chase Lodge Hospital Ltd East of England info@chaselodgehospital.com 020 8358 7100
Covid-19 Private Test Ltd East of England info@covidtravelpcr.com 03301 333 844
Dr CWK Parry East of England info@doctorparry.com 07972 325 990
Dr Kajan Kanagasabai East of England doctorkajan@gmail.com 07810 543766
Dr Kannan Athreya (t/a Essex Private Doctors) East of England info@essexprivatedoctors.com 01277 201 001
Dr M S B Yasin Alramahi/DNL Ltd (t/a Doctor N London / Panorama Clinic) East of England pa@dnlLtdcom 07701 028 854
Dr Mo Private Clinic Norwich East of England hello@drmoprivateclinic.co.uk -
Easter Pharmacy East of England easterpharmacy@hotmail.com 020 8502 9997
Essex Private GP East of England contact@essexprivategp.com 01277 568 562
Gipping Occupational Health Limited East of England enquiries@gipping.co.uk 01449 766 913
Goldharts Pharmacy East of England info@mygoldharts.com 01234 35 35 82
Hessington Health Limited East of England hrai@hessingtonhealth.co.uk 0800 088 6418
KYL Healthcare Services Limited (t/a The Honeybee Private Nurse Clinic) East of England info@kylhealthcareservices.com 0750 077 1425
Leigh Broadway Pharmacy (Elm Road) East of England leighpharmacy.elm@gmail.com 01702 474 414
LSA Secure Medical Services East of England operations@lsasecure.com -
My Private Chemist East of England info@myprivatechemist.com 020 3987 9202
PCT Healthcare (t/a Peak Pharmacy, Manor Pharmacy, Cox-Robinson Pharmacy) East of England pharmacy.online@pcthealthcare.com 01159 512 092
Private GP Services (Essex) UK Ltd East of England info@privategpservices.co.uk 01245 234 134
Research Donors Limited (t/a Covid-Check) East of England sales@covid-check.co.uk 020 4531 7888
Revive Hair and Skin Clinic Limited (t/a Revive Hair and Skin Clinic) East of England covidtest@revivehairandskin.co.uk 01277 549 029
Skin Sense GP Clinic Ltd (t/a Skin Sense GP Clinic Chelmsford) East of England enquiries@skinsensegpclinic.com 01245 206 106
Team Medic (London) Limited East of England info@team-medic.com 01483 740 237
The Doctor's Room Hertfordshire and Essex East of England contact@thedoctorsroom.com 07575 009 876
The Medic Clinic East of England info@medicclinic.co.uk 01234 984 065
The Trinity Private Practice East of England admin@thetrinityprivatepractice.uk 07970 310 660
Tocolo Health and Wellbeing clinic (t/a Tocolo Limited) East of England covidtesting@tocolo.co.uk 07824 553 735
Wrightway Health Ltd East of England info@wrightwayhealth.co.uk 01603 274 460
@Hale Clinic Harley Street Greater London info@haleclinic.com 020 7631 0156
1Corporate Covid Tests Greater London info@corporatecovidtests.com 020 3773 2299
2 - 8 Day Testing Greater London help@covidvirustest.co.uk 020 7164 6955
90 Sloane Street Limited Greater London enquiries@90sloanestreet.com 020 7235 5850
A B Medical Services (UK) Ltd Greater London covid@ab-medical.co.uk 0844 310 0150
Abicare Health Solutions Ltd (t/a Abicare Health (Riva Health)) Greater London admin@abicarehealth.co.uk 01615 182 999
Acheason Pharmacy Greater London acheason.pharmacy@nhs.net 0208 534 5154
Advisa Medica Greater London doctor@doctorjlevy.com 020 8953 9989
Aestha Ltd Private Medical Services Greater London info@aestha.co.uk 07917 796 064
Aesthetic Medispa Clinic Greater London info@aesthetic-medispa.co.uk 020 3302 8558
AF Aesthetics (t/a Enoura Medical) Greater London info@covidtesthub.co.uk 020 7602 6745
All Nations UK Limited (t/a Stonehealth Clinic) Greater London info@stonehealthclinic.co.uk 020 7283 3718
AlphaBiolabs Greater London covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 25 54 50
Ambulance Services 24 Ltd Greater London info@ambulanceservices24.co.uk 01264 31 03 03
An SF Screening and Vaccination Service Greater London info@sfvaccinations.co.uk 0113 873 0242
Atlas Medical Services Ltd Greater London covidtesting@atlasmed.co.uk 020 8798 2520
Audley Pharmacy Greater London covid@audleypharmacy.london 020 7493 6133
Avicenna Health Greater London covid@avicenna-health.com 020 8712 5565
Azarbod Medical Greater London pedram.azarbod@gmail.com 07548 368 631
B A Williams Chemist Greater London bawilliams1415@gmail.com 020 8560 3834
Bai Long Medical Services Greater London huangxiaoyi18@gmail.com 07795 55 02 88
Basuto Medical Centre Greater London info@basuto.com 020 7736 7557
Bayswater Pharmacy Greater London Bayswaterpharmacy@gmail.com 020 7727 5713
BGI Genomics UK CO Ltd Greater London bgi-uk@bgi.com 020 3837 4599
Biogroup Laboratory Ltd Greater London contact@biogroup-laboratory.co.uk 020 4542 7774
Biolab London Ltd Greater London customer.service@biolablondon.co.uk 020 3302 7500
Bioniq Health-Tech Solutions Ltd Greater London info@bioniq.com 020 8065 5474
Bliss Pharmacy, Gloucester Road Greater London mohanad@blisslife.co.uk 020 7373 4445
Bliss Medi Clinic (t/a Bliss Clinic, Bliss Pharmacy, Marylebone) Greater London heena@blisslife.co.uk 020 7487 5691
Bramley Pharmacy Northfields Greater London jay@bramleypharmacy.com 020 8840 4464
Broadgate General Practice Ltd Greater London doctor@broadgategp.co.uk 020 7638 4330
C and H Esher Ltd (t/a Central Pharmacy) Greater London covidtestbookings@candhesher.com 01372 464 007
Calder Pharmacy and Medspa Clinic of Notting Hill Greater London info@medspa.co.uk 020 7034 0156
Calmer Clinics Greater London covidtest@calmerclinics.com 020 7798 6831
Carmenta Medical Greater London carmenta.covid@gmail.com 0330 088 6020
Cavendish Health Centre Greater London secretary.cavendishhealthcentre@nhs.net 020 7487 5244
Cavendish Health Diagnostic Services Ltd Greater London diagnostics@cavendishhealth.co.uk 0333 577 1888
Caxton Pharmacy - Bromley Greater London info@caxtonpharmacy.com 020 8460 0377
Centennial Medical Care Greater London reception@centennialmedical.co.uk 020 3327 7777
Chelsea Medical Greater London cm@chelsealondondoctor.com 020 7589 2353
Chelsea Medics LLP Greater London reception@chelseamedics.co.uk 020 3955 5444
Church Pharmacy Greater London church.pharmacy2@nhs.net 01932 842 632
Coker Chest Clinic Greater London info@chestclinic.co.uk 020 7118 5600
Collinson / Oxsed Greater London ttrconsumerhelp@collinsongroup.com 01444 44 25 10
Coombe Medical Practice Greater London info@coombemedicalpractice.co.uk 020 8605 0044
Cooper and Co. (Sutton) Ltd (t/a Coopers Pharmacy) Greater London cooperchemist@btconnect.com 0208 642 7299
Cosmetic Centre Ltd (t/a Third Avenue Clinics) Greater London info@thirdavenueclinics.co.uk 01618 765 264
Cosmopolitan Medical Greater London info@cosmopolitanmedicalclinic.co.uk 01622 296 440
Courtfield Private Practice Ltd Greater London enquiries@courtfieldpp.co.uk 020 7373 3541
Covid Home Test UK Ltd Greater London contact@hometest.co 020 3319 6469
Covid Smart Limited Greater London hello@covidsmart.co.uk 0800 702 2145
Covid-19 Private Test Ltd Greater London info@covidtravelpcr.com 03301 333 844
Covid-19 Testing @ Venus Clinic London Greater London venuscliniclondon@gmail.com 07864 304 395
Coyne Medical Ltd Greater London contact@coynemedical.com 020 7731 3077
CP Medical Clinic Ltd (t/a Chelsea Pharmacy Medical Clinic) Greater London contact@cpmedicalclinic.com 020 7838 6180
Curapharm UK LTD Greater London curapharmchemist@gmail.com 0208 422 1250
Greatvale Ltd (t/a Baywood Chemist) Greater London baywood.chemist@nhs.net 020 7229 4553
Dajani Pharmacy Greater London clinic@dajanipharmacy.com 020 7589 8263
Dementech Ltd (t/a Dementech Neurosciences) Greater London covid@dementech.com 020 3848 4500
DocTap Greater London covid19@doctap.co.uk 020 7183 3254
Doctor Now Limited (t/a DOCTORnow) Greater London info@doctornow.org 01494 410 888
Doctorcall Limited Greater London admin@doctorcall.co.uk 03442 570 345
Doctors at Petts Wood Greater London reception@doctorsatpettswood.co.uk 01689 897 901
Doctors Clinic Group Greater London info@londondoctorsclinic.co.uk 020 7183 0553
Dr A Sadrudin (t/a London Screening Centre) Greater London asadrudin@yahoo.co.uk 020 7935 3626
Dr Alexandra Chambers Medical Practice Greater London info@dralexchambers.co.uk 020 7385 0960
Dr Azadeh Ovaici Private GP (t/a Ovaici Medical Ltd) Greater London info@drovaicigp.com 07736 273 943
Dr Bronya Gorney Greater London bronyagorney@gmail.com 07507 825 988
Dr Crespo for Dr Crespo Ltd Greater London drjcrespo@drjcrespo.com 07894 499 664
Dr Eoin Waters (t/a Knightsbridge Doctors) Greater London secretary@knightsbridge-doctors.com 020 7589 5633
Dr Fiona McAndrew, Private GP Greater London info@fmcandrew.co.uk 020 7341 4446
Dr Hala Medical Aesthetics (t/a Hala Medical Services Limited) Greater London info@drhala.co.uk 020 7371 8939
Dr Iaisha Ali (t/a I A Dermatology Ltd) Greater London dralipa@hcaconsultant.co.uk 020 3880 8050
Dr Jack Edmonds Practice Greater London drjack@drjackedmonds.co.uk 020 7935 5050
Dr Jessica Harland Healthcare Services Greater London info@drjessicaharland.co.uk 03333 222 012
Dr Kajan Kanagasabai Greater London doctorkajan@gmail.com 07810 543766
Dr Karwan Limited Greater London karwanpractice@gmail.com 020 7244 4892
Dr Lisa Anderson (t/a Rockdoc London Limited) Greater London drlisaanderson1@aol.co.uk 020 7483 5148
Dr M S B Yasin Alramahi / DNL Ltd (t/a Doctor N London / Panorama Clinic) Greater London pa@dnlLtdcom 07701 028 854
Dr Mahmoud Khalifeh Greater London dr.khalifeh11@gmail.com 07466 196 604
Dr Martin, Private GP Harley Street London Greater London enquiries@drmartingp.com 020 3859 6203
Doctor Today Ltd Greater London enquiries@doctortoday.co.uk 020 7433 1444
Dr Oscar Duke Ltd Greater London pa@droscarduke.com 020 7730 3700
Dr Ravi Patel Greater London ravipatel@nhs.net 07956 567 155
Dr Shilpa Davé Teddington Private GP Greater London covidtest@privategp.org 020 3303 0326
Dr Silvia Pierini, Private Pediatrician and GP Greater London reception@roscoppractice.com 020 7581 2639
Dr Sumi Soori, Private GP Greater London reception@drsumi.com 020 3976 6200
Dr Tim Evans and Associates Greater London lucy@drtimevans.co.uk 07873 149214
Dr Tim Lebens Greater London info@drlebens.com 020 7483 5148
Dr Koyi James Ugboma (t/a Mediserve) Greater London kjugb@aol.com 020 7436 6600
Dr W Muller Ltd Greater London covid@drwmuller.com 07444 073 729
Dr Wayne Cottrell, Private GP, Canary Wharf Greater London contact@drwaynecottrell.com 020 3197 9100
Dr Wendy Snell (Cromwell Hospital) Greater London wendy.snell@cromwellhospital.com 07768 301 733
Dr Wilson To Greater London wilsonto@doctors.org.uk 07900 894 533
Dr Kalia Private GP, Barnes, London Greater London contact@doctorkalia.com 020 8876 9897
EdgCARE Private Community Family Doctors (t/a EdgCARE Ltd) Greater London reception@edgcare.net 020 3818 9240
Effect Doctors Greater London info@effectdoctors.com 020 7305 7608
Eucalyptus Clinic Greater London info@eucalyptusclinic.com 020 3488 4830
Eurohealth Service Limited Greater London carmenta.covid@gmail.com 0330 088 6020
Family First Healthcare Ltd Greater London info@familyfirsthealth.co.uk 07771 089 911
Filerange Ltd t/a Portmans Pharmacy Greater London portmans.pharmacy@nhs.net 020 7638 0067
Flow Living Medi-Care Services Limited Greater London info@flowmedicareservices.co.uk 020 8781 6935
Fortius Clinic Greater London info@fortiusclinic.com 020 3131 0889
French and Overseas Clinic Ltd Greater London frenchmedical@gmail.com 020 7486 3903
French Care London Ltd Greater London covid19@frenchcarelondon.com 07598 042 701
Globe Chemist Greater London info@globechemist.co.uk 0208 740 9899
Good Egg Medical Ltd Greater London swab@goodeggmedical.co.uk 020 8125 7003
Goodbody Botanicals Ltd (t/a Goodbody Clinic) Greater London online@goodbodywellness.co.uk 01225 444 144
GP at London W1 Greater London office@gplondonw1.com 020 4580 1152
GPMedic (t/a Grovelands and Grenoble medical centre) Greater London drbhagat@hotmail.co.uk 07899 076 316
Green Light Healthcare Greater London covid@greenlightpharmacy.com 020 7730 8747
GWAS Independent Ambulance Service Ltd (t/a Set Medics UK, GWAS Ambulance) Greater London covidtesting@gwasambulance.co.uk 03456 800 168
Hampstead Heath Pharmacy, Travel Health and Vaccination Clinic Greater London info@hhpharmacy.co.uk 020 7435 7075
Haringey Healthcare Limited (t/a Medi-Park Clinic) Greater London info@mediparkclinic.uk 020 8341 3185
Harley Street Nurses Ltd Greater London covidtest@harleystreetnurses.com 020 7637 5511
Harley Street Specialists Ltd (t/a Cosmebeaute) Greater London info@cosmebeaute.co.uk 020 7935 1127
Harley Walk-in Clinic Ltd (t/a Harley Street Health Centre) Greater London info@harleyhealthcentre.com 020 7323 1023
Harrods Corporate Health Service Greater London ersen.hasici@harrods.com 020 7225 6529
HCA Healthcare UK Greater London covid.testingqueries@hcahealthcare.co.uk 020 7660 1041
Heart Lung Centre Greater London reception@heartlungcentre.com 020 7034 3301
Heathrow Medical Services LLP Greater London covidtests@heathrowmedical.com 020 8528 2633
Hessington Health Limited Greater London hrai@hessingtonhealth.co.uk 0800 088 6418
I-Gen Testing Limited Greater London info@igentesting.co.uk 0333 577 1106
Insta Care Solutions Limited Greater London admin@instacaresolutins.co.uk 07498 123 247
Instant Covid Tests London Ltd Greater London info@instant-covidtest.com 020 7065 5750
Italian GP London / Steth and Derm Scope (t/a Italian GP London / Steth & Derm Scope) Greater London info@stethandderm.co.uk 07838 371 624
JA Medical (t/a JA Medical Services Southeast Ltd) Greater London info@ja-medical.co.uk 020 8468 1086
JDoc Medical Limited (t/a JDoc 365) Greater London covid19@jdoc365.co.uk 020 3656 5657
Japan Green Medical Centre Greater London covid19@japangreen.co.uk 020 7330 1750
John Bell and Croyden Limited Greater London pharmacy@johnbellcroyden.co.uk 020 7935 5555
JS Biomedical Ltd Greater London admin@jsbiomedical.com 020 3927 2772
Katalyst Laboratories Greater London testing@wearekatalyst.com 020 7880 1803
Keats Pharmacy Ltd (t/a Keats Pharmacy and Vaccination Clinic) Greater London info@keatspharmacy.com 020 7435 0587
King-Lewis Family Practice Greater London enquiries@kinglewisfamilypractice.co.uk 020 7730 6611
Kings Medical Centre Greater London info@kingsmedicalcentre.london 020 7723 7258
KMT Healthcare Greater London info@kmthealthcare.com 07866 333 724
Knightsbridge Pharmacy Greater London hello@knightsbridge-pharmacy.com 020 3581 3383
La Maison Medicale Greater London contact@lamaisonmedicale.co.uk 020 7589 9321
Lanserhof at The Arts Club (t/a Mayfair Medicum Ltd) Greater London medical@lhtac.com 020 3967 6969
Leigh Pharmacy Ltd Greater London leighpharmacy@gmail.com 020 8205 6729
Lewis Grove Pharmacy Ltd Greater London lewisgrovepharmacy@gmail.com 020 8852 2282
Linbury Doctors (t/a The Linbury Doctors Ltd) Greater London info@linburydoctors.co.uk 03330 507 338
London Corona Test Centre Greater London tests@londoncoronatestcentre.com 01895 671 717
London Elite Health Greater London info@londonelitehealth.com 020 7486 0701
London Harley Street Practice Greater London info@londonhspractice.co.uk 020 7127 6563
London Medical Concierge Greater London experts@londonmedicalconcierge.com 020 7305 5590
London Medical Line Greater London info@londonmedicalline.co.uk 07898 363 210
London Nutrition Doctor Ltd Greater London pa@londonnutritiondoctor.com 07533 660 637
London Paediatricians Limited Greater London carol.hutchings@hcaconsultant.co.uk 020 7390 8009
London Specialist Clinic Ltd (t/a London Urgent Care) Greater London drraja159@gmail.com 07442 795 363
London Surgical Suites Greater London hello@beyondmed.co.uk 020 7938 2223
Lord's Pharmacy Greater London info@lordspharmacy.net 020 7586 9668
LSA Secure Medical Services Greater London operations@lsasecure.com -
Luxurious Laser And Skin Aesthetics Clinic Greater London info@luxuriousbeautyboutique.co.uk 020 8505 0001
Maswell Park Pharmacy Greater London maswellpark@gmail.com 020 8755 1909
Mayfair Doctors Greater London covidtest@mayfairdoctors.com 020 7499 1581
Mayfair Health (t/a Mayfair Pharmacy) Greater London mayfairhealthLtd@gmail.com 020 7629 7999
Med24 Limited Greater London covid-19@med24.clinic 020 3987 4200
Medical Diagnosis Ltd Greater London info19@medical-diagnosis.co.uk 020 8830 0503
Medical Express London Limited (t/a Medical Express Clinic) Greater London pcr@medicalexpressclinic.co.uk 020 7499 1991
Medicare Francais Ltd (t/a Medicare Francais) Greater London info@medicarefrancais.com 020 7370 4999
Medinow Greater London info@medinow.co.uk 020 3488 6537
MediPark Clinic Greater London info@mediparkclinic.uk 020 8341 3185
Mediwell Healthcare UK Ltd (t/a Mediwell Clinic) Greater London info@mediwellclinic.co.uk 020 3951 0203
Michael Markiewicz Ltd Greater London docmmsec@gmail.com 07802 601 701
Midland Health Greater London hello@midlandhealth.co.uk 0333 7721 999
Mildcare Ltd (t/a Lincoln Pharmacy & Bonamy Pharmacy) Greater London covid.mildcare@gmail.com 020 7538 0817
Miscarriage Clinic Limited (t/a Centre for Reproductive Immunology and Pregnancy) Greater London office@crpclinic.co.uk 01372 232 221
MNG Maritime Ltd Greater London ops@mngmaritime.com 07466 502 258
Moore Medical Practice Greater London office@mooremedicalpractice.co.uk 020 7349 1490
MPJ Medical Ltd Greater London info@mpjmedical.co.uk 020 8798 3783
Mr Alexandru Livinschi (t/a Bai Long Ltd) Greater London office@covid19getatest.co.uk 07902 198 555
MSI Clinics Limited Greater London info@msiclinics.com 020 4522 9103
Murrays Chemist Greater London pharmacy@murrayschemist.co.uk 020 8907 0413
My Health Clinics Greater London info@myhealthclinics.co.uk 020 8004 9515
My Private Chemist Greater London info@myprivatechemist.com 020 3987 9202
Neeyati Ltd (t/a Madesil Pharmacie) Greater London results@madesil.com 020 7935 3078
METXG Limited (t/a London Covid Testing) Greater London info@londoncovidtesting.com 020 3488 8463
NL Clinic Greater London info@nlclinic.co.uk 020 8882 0957
North and North West London COVID Tests Limited (T/a Covidtestslondon.com) Greater London info@covidtestslondon.com 0203 191 6699
North and North West London Covid Tests Ltd Greater London nanwlcovidtesting@gmail.com 07809 164 171
Northway Clinic Greater London info@northwayclinic.co.uk 020 3405 0860
Now Medicals OHS Ltd Greater London admin@nowmed.co.uk 020 3633 6339
Oldfield Lodge Medical Practice Ltd (t/a The Bridge Clinic, Maidenhead) Greater London covid.check@outlook.com 01753 664 139
Omniya Limited (t/a Omniya Clinic) Greater London hello@omniya.co.uk 020 7584 4777
One5 Health Greater London care@one5.health 020 3488 4415
Opus Biological Ltd Greater London info@opusbiological.com 020 3198 9827
Orchard Clinic / Orchard Blood Greater London pa@orchard-clinic.co.uk 020 3198 3100
OSD Healthcare Greater London enquiries@osdhealthcare.co.uk 01442 331 900
Oxford Covid Tests Greater London info@oxfordcovidtests.com 07767 074 768
Palace Gate Practice Ltd Greater London covidtesting@palacegatepractice.com 020 7244 5806
Petts Wood Pharmacy Ltd Greater London pharmacist@pettswoodpharmacy.co.uk 01689 898 580
Pharmacy Express Greater London pharmacyexpress.pharmacy@nhs.net 020 8888 1669
Pharmawell Limited (t/a Lockyer's Pharmacy) Greater London lockyers252@gmail.com 020 8692 1341
Phoenix Pathology (t/a 9 Harley Street) Greater London covidtesting@phoenixhospitalgroup.com 020 7079 2100
PHP Aesthetic Wellness Greater London contact@phpaesthetic.com 020 7580 9095
Practice Plus Private Greater London testtorelease@practiceplusprivate.com 0333 015 1100
Primarius Clinic Greater London info@primariusclinic.com 020 3488 6730
Prince Pharmacy Greater London info@princepharmacy.com 020 7245 0076
Prince Test Centre Greater London info@princepharmacy.com 020 7245 0076
Private GP Clinic Limited Greater London covidtest@surreyberkshire.co.uk 01932 344 004
PT Diagnostics Greater London testing@ptdiagnostics.co.uk 020 7459 4962
Purecare Ltd (t/a Zen Healthcare) Greater London bookings@zenhealthcare.co.uk 020 7225 1660
Pyser Testing Greater London sales@pysertesting.com 020 7451 3276
Redwood Pharmacy Ltd Greater London redwoodpharmacy@gmail.com 020 8883 1596
Remedys Pharmacy Greater London covid@remedyspharmacy.london 020 7286 7255
Research Donors Limited (t/a COVID-Check) Greater London sales@covid-check.co.uk 020 4531 7888
Revive Hair and Skin Clinic Limited Greater London covidtest@revivehairandskin.co.uk 01277 549 029
Richard Adams Pharma Ltd (t/a Bhogal Pharmacy / Barons Pharmacy / Dillons Pharmacy) Greater London pharmacy.fmg89@nhs.net 020 8570 1796
RK Private Clinics Ltd (t/a Kings Private Clinics) Greater London info@kingsprivateclinics.co.uk 020 7407 6565
Salient Labs Limited (t/a Salient Bio) Greater London cv19@salient.bio 020 3826 8189
Samedaydoctor Greater London enquiry@samedaydoctor.co.uk 020 7631 0090
Sanjivani Ltd (t/a Tower Bridge Wellness Pharmacy) Greater London contact@thewellnesspharmacy.co.uk 020 3771 9927
Shantys Pharmacy Greater London info@shantyspharmacy.com 020 7247 2140
Sharmans Pharmacy Greater London info@sharmanspharmacy.com 01923 825 288
Sherlock Holmes Chemist Greater London bakerstreetw1.testing@gmail.com 07811 323 829
Sixten London Ltd Greater London coachmedical@sixtenlondon.com 020 8187 9436
Skin Sense GP Clinic Ltd Greater London enquiries@skinsensegpclinic.com 01245 206 106
Sloane Medical Practice Limited Greater London info@sloanemedicalpractice.com 020 7235 3002
Sloane Square Medical Ltd Greater London manager@sloanesquaremedical.org 020 7730 8835
Solice Health Ltd (t/a Solice Health) Greater London contact@solice.health 020 7459 4535
South West London COVID-19 Testing Centre Greater London info@swltest.com 07930 192 187
SSYNS Limited (t/a Just Health) Greater London info@justhealth.co.uk 01282 936 900
St Philips Medical Centre Greater London doctor@holbornmedical.com 020 7831 1725
Stonehealth Clinic Greater London luzlopez@stonehealthclinic.co.uk> 020 7283 3718
Superdrug Health Clinics Greater London contact@healthclinics.superdrug.com 0333 772 9172
Sutton Pharmacy (t/a Purdome Ltd) Greater London customercare@suttonpharmacysurrey.co.uk 020 8642 8763
Team Medic (London) Limited Greater London info@team-medic.com 01483 740 237
Teddington Pharmacy Greater London teddington.pharmacy@nhs.net 0208 977 23891
The Blue Tree Clinic Greater London reception@thebluetreeclinic.com 0800 011 9883
The City and Travel Ltd (t/a The City and Travel Clinic) Greater London admin@thecityandtravelclinic.com 07884 469 659
The Doctor's Room Hertfordshire and Essex Greater London contact@thedoctorsroom.com 07575 00 9876
The Express Clinic Greater London info@theexpressclinic.com 020 3893 2621
The French Pharmacy Greater London hello@thefrenchpharmacy.co 020 7935 8300
The GP Surgery Ltd Greater London info@thegpsurgery.co.uk 020 3772 5440
The Harrow Health Care Centre Greater London info@harrowhealthcare.co.uk 020 8861 1221
The Health Equation Greater London info@thehealthequation.co.uk 020 7631 1414
The Hill Medical Centre Greater London info@hillmedicalcentre.co.uk 020 8800 5066
The Hove Practice Greater London reception@thehovepractice.co.uk 01273 733 830
The Mayfair GP Greater London info@themayfairgp.com 07568 369 455
The Medic Clinic Greater London info@medicclinic.co.uk 01234 984 065
The Mews Practice Ltd Greater London reception@themewspractice.com 01483 904 555
The Recovery Lab Greater London info@therecoverylabldn.com 020 7459 4911
The Richmond Doctor Greater London therichmonddoctor@gmail.com 020 8439 9185
The Staight Practice Greater London reception@thestaightpractice.co.uk 020 7581 4222
The Tyburn Private Medical Practice Greater London office@thetyburn.com 020 4530 7040
The Wellness People Ltd Greater London roshni@thewellnesspeople.co 07752 095 822
Thrive Worldwide Greater London info@thrive-worldwide.org 020 3974 1400
Thurloe Street Private Practice Greater London doctors@thurloestreetprivatepractice.com 020 7225 1544
TIC Health Limited Greater London skleanthous@tichealth.co.uk 0333 358 2111
TSM Health Ltd (t/a Kings Medical Centre) Greater London info@kingsmedicalcentre.london 020 7723 7258
UK Screening Solutions Limited Greater London liam@ukscreeningsolutions.com 01512 450 168
Virginia Water Private Medical Clinic Greater London info@vwpmc.co.uk 01344 842 546
Visa Medicals Greater London kerri@visamedicals.co.uk 020 3941 9224
VisitHealth Limited Greater London hello@visithealth.co.uk 020 3795 5811
Wellgevity Ltd Greater London info@wellgevity.co.uk 020 8133 9001
Wembley Pharmacy Greater London pharmacy.fw256@nhs.net 020 8795 3636
Women's Health Dulwich Greater London info@womenshealthdulwich.com 020 8124 8124
Your Doctor Greater London info@your-doctor.co.uk 0330 088 2020
Your Private Health Greater London info@yourprivatehealth.co.uk 0161 519 4448
Zafash Doctors Greater London support@coronatestingservices.com 020 7373 3506
ZSZ Medical / Austin Dean Recruitment Greater London info@austindean.co.uk 020 3489 6070
AlphaBiolabs North East covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
An SF Screening and Vaccination Service North East info@sfvaccinations.co.uk 0113 873 0242
Black and Banton Occupational and Physical Health Limited North East covidteam@blackandbanton.co.uk 0191 481 4085
Complement Genomics Ltd (t/a Geneblitz) North East sales@geneblitz.com 0191 543 9302
Icon Medical North East info@iconmedical.co.uk 0113 873 0291
Lase Cosmetic Limited North East contact@lasecosmetic.com 0191 389 7090
MDNA LIfe Sciences (UK) Ltd North East h.smart@mdnalifesciences.com 07768 333 371
NPH Group North East testing@nph-group.co.uk 0191 605 3140
NPH Group MDNA Life Sciences Partnership North East testing@nph-group.co.uk 0191 605 3140
Objective Health North East info@objectivehealth.co.uk 0191 486 2425
Oh3 Ltd North East admin2@oh3.co.uk 0191 640 9395
The Wellington Place Clinic Limited (t/a The Whitehall Clinic) North East hello@whitehallclinic.com 0113 833 4900
UK Screening Solutions Limited North East liam@ukscreeningsolutions.com 0151 245 0168
ABEL Occupational Health Resolutions North West admin@abelohr.co.uk 01617 110 574
Abicare Health Solutions Ltd (t/a Abicare Health (Riva Health)) North West admin@abicarehealth.co.uk 01615 182 999
AlphaBiolabs North West covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
Ambutech Pre-Hospital Care North West covid@ambutech.co.uk 0161 505 1959
An SF Screening and Vaccination Service North West info@sfvaccinations.co.uk 0113 873 0242
BioGrad Laboratories North West clinical@biograd.co.uk 0151 482 9695
Bodyline Clinic North West customerservices@bodylineclinic.com 0800 995 6036
CLNQ North West hello@clnq.com 01565 362 001
Collinson / Oxsed North West ttrconsumerhelp@collinsongroup.com 0144 444 2510
Cosmetic Centre Ltd (t/a Third Avenue Clinics) North West info@thirdavenueclinics.co.uk 0161 876 5264
Covid Smart Limited North West hello@covidsmart.co.uk 0800 702 2145
Doctorcall Limited North West admin@doctorcall.co.uk 03442 570 345
Doctors Clinic Group North West info@londondoctorsclinic.co.uk 020 7183 0553
Empire Medicines Ltd (t/a Empire pharmacy) North West covid@empirepharmacy.co.uk 0161 258 6149
Ghosh Medical Limited North West info@ghoshmedicalgroup.com 03332 003 338
Gillinggate Pharmacy North West gillinggatepharmacy@gmail.com 01539 720 461
Healthwork North West testing@healthworkLtd.com 0161 831 9701
Icon Medical North West info@iconmedical.co.uk 0113 873 0291
Karims Pharmacy Ltd North West karimspharmacy@hotmail.co.uk 0125 468 0890
Live Fell Ltd (t/a Carnforth Pharmacy) North West info@carnforthpharmacy.co.uk 0152 473 2712
Longridge Travel Health Clinic North West Info@longridgetravelhealthclinic.com 01772 439 054
Midland Health North West hello@midlandhealth.co.uk 0333 7721 999
PCT Healthcare (t/a Peak Pharmacy, Manor Pharmacy, Cox-Robinson Pharmacy) North West pharmacy.online@pcthealthcare.com 0115 9512 092
SameDayDoctor North West enquiry@samedaydoctor.co.uk 020 7631 0090
Shri Ayodhya Medical Services Ltd (t/a Pulmonics) North West nrbandla@gmail.com 07709 638 433
SSYNS Limited (t/a Just Health) North West info@justhealth.co.uk 01282 936 900
Test Assurance Group North West testing@testassurancegroup.com 0330 118 0008
The Brook Surgery North West reception@thebrooksurgery.com 020 7435 0211
The Harveyrhys Clinic North West testing@covidoc.co.uk 0330 124 6530
The Wellington Place Clinic Limited (t/a The Whitehall Clinic) North West hello@whitehallclinic.com 0113 833 4900
UK Screening Solutions Limited North West liam@ukscreeningsolutions.com 0151 245 0168
Ultima Vitality North West info@ultimavitality.co.uk 0161 434 7373
Well Travelled Clinic Ltd North West tropshop@lstmed.ac.uk 0151 705 3223
Windmill Pharmacy North West info@windmillpharmacy.co.uk 0161 336 2111
Yourgene Health UK Ltd North West covidtests@yourgene-health.com 0161 532 9443
Your Private Health North West info@yourprivatehealth.co.uk 0161 519 4448
A B Medical Services (UK) Ltd South East covid@ab-medical.co.uk 0844 310 0150
Advisa Medica South East doctor@doctorjlevy.com 020 8953 9989
Aesthetic Medispa Clinic South East info@aesthetic-medispa.co.uk 020 3302 8558
Ahmeys Clinic South East info@ahmeysclinic.com 01865 689 149
Ashwell Pharmacy(Chimemill Ltd) South East b.deal@nhs.net 0146 274 2250
Atlas Medical Services Ltd South East covidtesting@atlasmed.co.uk 020 8798 2520
Avicenna Health South East covid@avicenna-health.com 020 8712 5565
Best Health Clinics South East info@bhclnics.com 01708 477 577
Binscombe Pharmacy (t/a Borg Pharma Ltd) South East hello@binscombepharmacy.co.uk 0148 341 5151
Broadgate General Practice Ltd South East doctor@broadgategp.co.uk 020 7638 4330
C and H Esher Ltd (t/a Central Pharmacy) South East covidtestbookings@candhesher.com 01372 464 007
Centennial Medical Care South East reception@centennialmedical.co.uk 020 3327 7777
Chase Lodge Hospital Ltd South East info@chaselodgehospital.com 020 8358 7100
Church Pharmacy South East church.pharmacy2@nhs.net 01932 842 632
Coker Chest Clinic South East info@chestclinic.co.uk 020 7118 5600
Conker PJ Ltd T/As Popley Pharmacy South East hello@popleypharmacy.co.uk 0125 626 8400
Collinson / Oxsed South East ttrconsumerhelp@collinsongroup.com 0144 444 2510
Cosmedica Clinics South East enquiries@cosmedicaclinics.co.uk 01983 872 456
Cosmopolitan Medical (t/a Cosmopolitan Medical Clinic Ltd) South East info@cosmopolitanmedicalclinic.co.uk 01622 296 440
Covid-19 Private Test Ltd South East info@covidtravelpcr.com 03301 333 844
Dapdune Pharmacy (t/a Needsuper Ltd) South East info@pharmacylink.co.uk 0148 345 2030
Direct Pharmacy (t/a Needsuper Ltd) South East info@pharmacylink.co.uk 0148 350 4461
Dr Azadeh Ovaici Private GP (t/a Ovaici Medical Ltd) South East info@drovaicigp.com 07736 273 943
Dr Iaisha Ali (t/a I A Dermatology Ltd) South East dralipa@hcaconsultant.co.uk 020 3880 8050
Dr Kannan Athreya (t/a Essex Private Doctors) South East info@essexprivatedoctors.com 01277 201 001
Dr M S B Yasin Alramahi / DNL Ltd (t/a Doctor N London / Panorama Clinic) South East pa@dnlLtdcom 07701 028 854
Dr Ravi Patel South East ravipatel@nhs.net 07956 567 155
Dr Robert Armstrong / Oxford Executive Healthcare South East bob@oxfordeh.co.uk 01865 767 150
Emergency Care Gateway Ltd (t/a ECG) South East jane@ecgtraining.co.uk 0845 423 8993
Eucalyptus Clinic South East info@eucalyptusclinic.com 020 3488 4830
Flow Living Medi-Care Services Limited South East info@flowmedicareservices.co.uk 020 8781 6935
Forensic Genomics Innovation Hub Ltd South East caroline.turner@fgih.co.uk 023 8011 8981
Global Express Travel Health Clinic South East infogethc@gmail.com 07368 307 175
Global Health Travel Clinic Ltd (Longcross/Chertsey) South East info@globalhealthtravelclinic.co.uk 01932 943 002
Goodbody Botanicals Ltd (t/a Goodbody Clinic ) South East online@goodbodywellness.co.uk 01225 444 144
Guildhall Pharmacy South East info@guildhallpharmacy.co.uk 01303 259 414
GWAS Independent Ambulance Service Ltd (t/a Set Medics UK, GWAS Ambulance) South East covidtesting@gwasambulance.co.uk 03456 800 168
Hampshire Health and Hampshire Travel Clinic South East info@hampshiretravelclinic.co.uk 01243 958 686
Harley Street Nurses Ltd South East covidtest@harleystreetnurses.com 020 7637 5511
Harpenden Skin Clinic South East info@harpendenskinclinic.com 01582 822 000
Hertford Health Ltd South East info@hertfordhealth.com 0333 772 0722
Hodgson Pharmacy South East enquries@hodgsonpharmacy.com 01474 707 341
Hope Pharma Solutions Ltd South East info@hopetravelclinic.co.uk 01634 940 880
Imperial Pharmacy (t/a Heroteam Limited) South East imperial.pharmacy@nhs.net 01892 525 630
J Andersen pharmacy South East enquires@jandersenpharmacy.co.uk 0142 472 1390
JA Medical (t/a JA Medical Services Southeast Ltd) South East info@ja-medical.co.uk 020 8468 1086
Keycircle Pharmacy South East info@keycirclemaidenhead.co.uk 01628 781 335
Kings Medical Centre South East info@kingsmedicalcentre.london 020 7723 7258
Linbury Doctors (t/a The Linbury Doctors Ltd) South East info@linburydoctors.co.uk 03330 507 338
London Medical Concierge South East experts@londonmedicalconcierge.com 020 7305 5590
London Paediatricians Limited South East carol.hutchings@hcaconsultant.co.uk 020 7390 8009
Loomrose Pharmacy South East pharamcy.fgr80@nhs.net 01923 827 577
LSA Secure Medical Services South East operations@lsasecure.com -
Mangal Pharmacy South East pharmacy@mangal.net 0208 850 6860
Medical and Rescue South East enquiries@medicalandrescue.co.uk 01784 637 999
Medwyn Occupational Health South East covid19@medwynoh.co.uk 01306 873 942
My Private Chemist South East info@myprivatechemist.com 020 3987 9202
My Specialist GP South East info@myspecialistgp.co.uk 01628 478 036
Neeyati Ltd (t/a Madesil Pharmacie) South East results@madesil.com 020 7935 3078
Northway Clinic South East info@northwayclinic.co.uk 020 3405 0860
Nuriss Skincare and Wellness Ltd South East enquiries@nuriss.co.uk 020 3971 9031
Oakdin Clinic South East info@oakdinclinic.org.uk 01277 623 055
Oldfield Lodge Medical Practice Ltd (t/a The Bridge Clinic, Maidenhead) South East covid.check@outlook.com 01753 664 139
Opus Biological Ltd South East info@opusbiological.com 020 3198 9827
Oxford Covid Tests South East info@oxfordcovidtests.com 07767 074 768
Oxford Executive Healthcare / Dr R Armstrong South East bob@oxfordeh.co.uk 01865 767 150
Palace Gate Practice Ltd South East covidtesting@palacegatepractice.com 020 7244 5806
PathDirect Ltd South East enquiries@pathdirect.co.uk 020 3971 2410
Pharmacy Link (t/a Borg Pharma Ltd) South East witterings@pharmacylink.co.uk 012 4367 1947
Pharmplex Ltd (t/a World Travel Clinic) South East hello@worldtravelclinic.co.uk 01753 847 443
Phoenix Pathology South East covid.testing@phoenixhospitalgroup.com 020 7079 2100
Pinefield Health Solutions Ltd (t/a Fit To Fly PCR) South East info@fittoflypcr.co.uk 020 3983 0461
Practice Plus Private South East testtorelease@practiceplusprivate.com 0333 015 1100
Private GP Clinic Limited South East covidtest@surreyberkshire.co.uk 01932 344 004
Private Specialist GPS Limited (t/a My Specialist GP) South East info@myspecialistgp.co.uk 01628 478 036
PT Diagnostics South East testing@ptdiagnostics.co.uk 020 7459 4962
Remedi Health (Hampshire) South East support@remedihealth.co 01962 396 695
Research Donors Limited (t/a COVID-Check) South East sales@covid-check.co.uk 020 4531 7888
Richard Adams Pharma Ltd (t/a Bhogal Pharmacy / Barons Pharmacy / Dillons Pharmacy) South East pharmacy.fmg89@nhs.net 020 8570 1796
RK Private Clinics Ltd (t/a Kings Private Clinics) South East info@kingsprivateclinics.co.uk 020 7407 6565
Sevenoaks GP (t/a The Private GP Clinic) South East info@theprivategpclinic.co.uk 01732 835 212
Sloane Square Medical Ltd South East manager@sloanesquaremedical.org 020 7730 8835
Southdowns Private Healthcare Ltd South East info@southdownsprivatehealthcare.co.uk 03302 202 000
Surrey GP, Guildford South East admin@surreygp.com 0345 459 9972
Talat Khoshakhlaq & Co Ltd (t/a Willows Pharmacy) South East pharmacy.fxx52@nhs.net 0136 638 6500
Team Medic (London) Limited South East info@team-medic.com 01483 740 237
The Doctor's Room Hertfordshire and Essex South East contact@thedoctorsroom.com 07575 009 876
The Dr Jenni Clinic South East support@drjenni.co.uk 01604 266 990
The Harrow Health Care Centre South East info@harrowhealthcare.co.uk 020 8861 1221
The Hove Practice South East reception@thehovepractice.co.uk 01273 733 830
The Mews Practice Ltd South East reception@themewspractice.com 01483 904 555
The Recovery Lab South East info@therecoverylabldn.com 020 7459 4911
The Richmond Doctor South East therichmonddoctor@gmail.com 020 8439 9185
The Travel Health Clinic South East cv19clinic@gmail.com 07851 848 773
The Walcote Practice South East info@thewalcotepractice.co.uk 01962 828 715
Top Medical Clinic South East tests@topmedicalclinic.co.uk 020 8681 1651
TSM Health Ltd (t/a Kings Medical Centre) South East info@kingsmedicalcentre.london 020 7723 7258
Village Pharmacy South East villagepharmacy2012@hotmail.co.uk 0127 782 2063
Virginia Water Private Medical Clinic South East info@vwpmc.co.uk 01344 842 546
VSM Pharmacy South East digital@vsmpharmacy.co.uk 01276 21 002
Winklebury Pharmacy (t/a Borg Pharma Ltd) South East hello@winkleburypharmacy.co.uk 0125 632 8328
World Travel Clinic - Windsor / Grewal Pharmacy - Nottingham South East hello@worldtravelclinic.co.uk 01753 847 663
Your Choice Medical South East info@yourchoicemedical.co.uk 07342 383 720
Your Doctor South East info@your-doctor.co.uk 0330 088 2020
AlphaBiolabs South West covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
Basuto Medical Centre South West info@basuto.com 020 7736 7557
Beard Medical LLP (t/a Beard Medical Practice) South West info@beardmedical.com 01179 731 323
C and H Esher Ltd (t/a Central Pharmacy) South West covidtestbookings@candhesher.com 01372 464 007
Charlton Pharmacy South West charltonpharmacycheltenham@gmail.com 01242 522 207
Chelsea Pharmacy Medical Clinic South West contact@cpmedicalclinic.com 020 7838 6180
Concierge Medical South West covid@conciergemedical.co.uk 01451 600 900
Covid Smart Limited South West hello@covidsmart.co.uk 0800 702 2145
Doctor Now Limited South West info@doctornow.org 01494 410 888
Dorset Private GP South West admin@dorsetprivategp.co.uk -
Elegant Beauty Clinic South West teagan@elegantclinic.co.uk 07498 779 511
Famevalley Limited (t/a HBS pharmacy) South West info@hbspharmacy.co.uk 01772 718 022
First Call GP Limited (t/a Winchester GP) South West reception@winchestergp.com 01962 776 010
G Horton Ltd South West ghortonpharmacy@aah-n3.co.uk 0128 565 3042
Goodbody Botanicals Ltd (t/a Goodbody Clinic) South West online@goodbodywellness.co.uk 01225 444 144
GWAS Independent Ambulance Service Ltd (t/a Set Medics UK, GWAS Ambulance) South West covidtesting@gwasambulance.co.uk 03456 800 168
Hampshire Health and Hampshire Travel Clinic South West info@hampshiretravelclinic.co.uk 01243 958 686
Harley Street Nurses Ltd South West covidtest@harleystreetnurses.com 020 7637 5511
Innermost Secrets Ltd (t/a Innermost Healthcare) South West office@innermosthealthcare.com 03452 303 386
La Perla Clinic (t/a Medico Healthcare Limited) South West laperlareception@gmail.com 01628 488 499
Linbury Doctors (t/a The Linbury Doctors Ltd) South West info@linburydoctors.co.uk 03330 507 338
Midland Health South West hello@midlandhealth.co.uk 03337 721 999
Neeyati Ltd (t/a Madesil Pharmacie) South West results@madesil.com 020 7935 3078
North Devon Travel Clinic South West info@northdevontravelclinic.co.uk 01271 373 346
Occupational Health Bristol South West hello@occupationalhealthbristol.co.uk 0117 332 5454
Orchard Clinic / Orchard Blood South West pa@orchard-clinic.co.uk 020 3198 3100
Pearlfect Care Pharmacy South West pharmacy@pearlfect1998.com 0330 113 7773
Pulteney pharmacy (Bath and District pharmacy limited) South West pulpharn@gmail.com 0122 546 6454
Ravi Gowda Limited (t/a Travel Klinix) South West info@travelklinix.com 024 7601 6519
Raylane Ltd (t/a Cheltenham Travel Clinic) South West covidtest@raylane.co.uk 01242 522 880
Remedi Health South West support@remedihealth.co 01962 396 695
Richard Adams Pharma Ltd (t/a Bhogal Pharmacy / Barons Pharmacy / Dillons Pharmacy) South West pharmacy.fmg89@nhs.net 020 8570 1796
Shirehampton Group Practice (t/a Occupational Health Bristol) South West hello@occupationalhealthbristol.co.uk 01179 162 239
Southdowns Private Healthcare Ltd South West info@southdownsprivatehealthcare.co.uk 03302 202 000
Spa Private Medical South West admin@spaprivatemedical.co.uk -
St Davids Court Surgery South West christine.brown5@wales.nhs.uk 029 2037 9510
St Mawes Pharmacy South West stmawes.pharmacy@nhs.net 01326 270 296
Tajmeel Clinic Ltd South West info@tajmeelclinic.co.uk 01202 245 033
The Exeter Travel Clinic South West enquiries@exetertravelclinic.co.uk 01392 430 590
The Health Equation South West info@thehealthequation.co.uk 020 7631 1414
The Travel Health Clinic South West cv19clinic@gmail.com 07851 848 773
The Walcote Practice South West info@thewalcotepractice.co.uk 01962 828 715
Top Medical Clinic South West tests@topmedicalclinic.co.uk 020 8681 1651
Wimbledon Medical Practice South West joanne.chambers7@nhs.net 0208 542 9335
121 Pure Testing West Midlands hello@puretesting.co.uk 0121 293 0414
20/30 Labs West Midlands covid19@2030lab.com 01604 660 811
2 - 8 Day Testing West Midlands help@covidvirustest.co.uk 020 7164 6955
ABEL Occupational Health Resolutions West Midlands admin@abelohr.co.uk 0161 711 0574
AlphaBiolabs West Midlands covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
Cherish-UK Ultrasound Scans Ltd West Midlands info@cherish-uk.com 0121 354 4777
Clinicare UK West Midlands info@clinicare-uk.com -
Concierge Medical West Midlands covid@conciergemedical.co.uk 01451 600 900
Daleswood Health Ltd West Midlands contact@daleswoodhealth.co.uk 01675 489 489
Doctors Clinic Group West Midlands info@londondoctorsclinic.co.uk 020 7183 0553
First Medical Consultants West Midlands info@firstmc.co.uk 01782 213 214
Fit to Fly Coventry West Midlands info@midlandmed.co.uk 024 7696 9695
Goodbody Botanicals Ltd (t/a Goodbody Clinic) West Midlands online@goodbodywellness.co.uk 01225 444 144
Ingrams Chemist West Midlands ingramschemist@outlook.com 0121 553 1081
Laser and Light Ltd West Midlands info@thelaserandlightclinic.co.uk 01509 266 882
Masters UK Limited (t/a Nechells Pharmacy & Masters Pharmacy) West Midlands info@nechellspharmacy.co.uk 01213 270 380
Midland Health West Midlands hello@midlandhealth.co.uk 03337 721 999
Midlands Ultrasound and Medical Services West Midlands administrator@mums.me.uk 0121 704 2669
Pan Healthcare (t/a Pan Pharmacy) West Midlands panpharmacy@outlook.com 0121 742 9599
PCT Healthcare (t/a Peak Pharmacy, Manor Pharmacy, Cox-Robinson Pharmacy) West Midlands pharmacy.online@pcthealthcare.com 0115 9512 092
Pennfields Pharmacy (Wolverhampton) West Midlands info@pennfieldspharmacy.co.uk 01902 341 300
Ravi Gowda Limited (t/a Travel Klinix) West Midlands info@travelklinix.com 024 7601 6519
Raylane Ltd (t/a WestMids Travel Clinic, Worcester Travel Clinic) West Midlands covidtest@raylane.co.uk. 01242 522 880
Shri Ayodhya Medical Services Ltd (t/a Pulmonics) West Midlands nrbandla@gmail.com 07709 638 433
Solihull Health Check Clinic West Midlands connect@shcc.co.uk 01217 457 400
SSYNS Limited (t/a Just Health) West Midlands info@justhealth.co.uk 01282 936 900
Star Services (West Midlands) Ltd West Midlands customercare@starpharmacybirmingham.co.uk 01213 564 435
T Consultants Ltd West Midlands tahir.younis@consultant.com 07952 911 145
Team Medic (London) Limited West Midlands info@team-medic.com 01483 740 237
The Health Suite Ltd West Midlands info@thehealthsuite.co.uk 0116 241 0010
The Oakley Partnership West Midlands admin@topmedicalpractice.co.uk 01213 088 876
The Travel Health Clinic West Midlands cv19clinic@gmail.com 07851 848 773
Top Medical Clinic West Midlands tests@topmedicalclinic.co.uk 020 8681 1651
Training Healthy Ltd (t/a Rapid PCR) West Midlands rapidpcrtest@hotmail.com 07907 028 192
UK Screening Solutions Limited West Midlands liam@ukscreeningsolutions.com 0151 245 0168
Vantage Chemist West Midlands vantagechemist@btconnect.com 024 7622 2985
Weston Road Pharmacy (Stafford) West Midlands info@westonroadpharmacy.co.uk 01785 24 8888
Your GP Circle West Midlands hello@yourgpcircle.co.uk 0333 800 5202
ZS Pharma Limited (t/a Fusion Pharmacy) West Midlands info@fusion-pharmacy.co.uk 0116 367 7280
ZSZ Medical / Austin Dean Recruitment West Midlands info@austindean.co.uk 020 3489 6070
ABEL Occupational Health Resolutions Yorkshire and the Humber admin@abelohr.co.uk 0161 711 0574
Aesthetika Clinic Yorkshire and the Humber info@aesthetika.co.uk 01909 563 000
AlphaBiolabs Yorkshire and the Humber covid@alphabiolabs.com 01925 255 450
An SF Screening and Vaccination Service Yorkshire and the Humber info@sfvaccinations.co.uk 0113 873 0242
Covid Smart Limited Yorkshire and the Humber hello@covidsmart.co.uk 0800 702 2145
Elements Medical Yorkshire and the Humber info@elements.org.uk 01302 343 432
Evolve Medical Yorkshire and the Humber evolvecovid@outlook.com 0113 8730 361
Helix Services Limited (t/a Travel Test Assured) Yorkshire and the Humber info@traveltestassured.com 0113 8715 185
Honley Health Care Ltd Yorkshire and the Humber enquiries.honleyhealthcare@gmail.com 07787 768 389
Icon Medical Yorkshire and the Humber info@iconmedical.co.uk 0113 873 0291
Integrated Pathology Solutions LLP Yorkshire and the Humber afruj.ruf@anhst.nhs.uk 01535 293 476
Leeds Covid Testing Ltd Yorkshire and the Humber contact@leedscovidtesting.com 0113 534 7252
NPH Group Yourgene Partnership Yorkshire and the Humber testing@nph-group.co.uk 0191 605 3140
Rejuven8 Clinic Yorkshire and the Humber rejuven8clinictraining@gmail.com 07854 989 313
Rosalyns Medical and Wellbeing clinic Yorkshire and the Humber info@rosalynsmedical.com 01924 654 105
Roshni Clinic Ltd (t/a MOHR Labs) Yorkshire and the Humber info@roshniclinic.co.uk 0333 050 7138
SSYNS Limited (t/a Just Health) Yorkshire and the Humber info@justhealth.co.uk 01282 936 900
Stonegate Medical Clinic Yorkshire and the Humber enquiries@stonegatemedical.co.uk 01904 631 815
The Wellington Place Clinic Limited (t/a The Whitehall Clinic) Yorkshire and the Humber hello@whitehallclinic.com 0113 833 4900
UK Screening Solutions Limited Yorkshire and the Humber liam@ukscreeningsolutions.com 0151 245 0168
WS Health Services (t/a Thechemistlive.com) Yorkshire and the Humber admin@thechemistlive.co.uk 0161 543 6622
Abacus Testing Unconfirmed Region contact@abacustesting.co.uk 020 3475 3426
Beechwood Practice Unconfirmed Region nicola@thebeechwoodpractice.co.uk 01223 314 434
Biome Medical Unconfirmed Region info@thebiome.co.uk 020 3488 4591
Bodylines Unconfirmed Region info@bodylinesskinclinic.co.uk 020 3189 1901
Chiltern Medical Clinic Unconfirmed Region help@chilternmedical.co.uk 01491 873 989
Dr Ian Cole, Private GP at King Edward VII Hospital Unconfirmed Region info@drcolegp.com 020 3978 2040
Dr Jack D Singer Unconfirmed Region paediactrics@hotmal.com 020 7935 2023
Dr Shama Health Clinics Unconfirmed Region info@drshama.com 0113 436 0009
Edgbaston Private Medical Practice Unconfirmed Region covid19@epmpractice.co.uk 0121 454 9535
Expedite Health Ltd Unconfirmed Region appointments@expeditehealth.com 020 8906 6817
Golders Hill Health Centre Unconfirmed Region admin@goldershillsurgery.com 020 8455 6886
GP Plus Ltd Unconfirmed Region info@gpplus.com 0345 1196 049
Illuminate Skin Clinic Unconfirmed Region hello@illuminateskinclinic.co.uk 0330 133 1272
Lloyds Pharmacy Online Doctor Unconfirmed Region support@lloydsonlinedoctor.com 020 7989 9888
London Vaccination Clinic Unconfirmed Region enquiries@360health.co.uk 020 7112 5198
Mayfair Practice Unconfirmed Region mail@mayfairpractice.com 020 7408 1164
One Scientific Ltd Nationwide covid@onescientific.co.uk -
Rose Valley Medical Centre Unconfirmed Region rvmedicalcentre@outlook.com 020 3875 3519
Somdoc Ltd Unconfirmed Region info@home2lab.co.uk 020 7117 2458
Street Medical Practice Unconfirmed Region appointments@drdebbiestreet.co.uk 020 3965 0556
The London Clinic Unconfirmed Region appointments@thelondonclinic.com 020 3219 3254
The Monteiro Beauty and Skin Clinic Unconfirmed Region info@monteirobeautyclinic.co.uk 07715 600 686
The Sloane Street Surgery Unconfirmed Region testingcentre@sloanestreetsurgery.co.uk 020 7245 9333, option 1
Trio Pharmacy Unconfirmed Region trio.pharmacy@nhs.net 01932 225 900
UK Smile Unconfirmed Region info@uksmile.com 020 7233 2323
Viavi Ltd Unconfirmed Region health@viavi.com 020 7486 1346

Important Note:
The government does not endorse, recommend or approve any private test provider. Individuals and employers should conduct their own research about available providers and the testing services they supply. Always check the official government website for updates.

PCR tests near you for travel (fit to fly)

Last updated: 2021/08/03 | See a list of covid-19 variants